
Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday Morning Mash-Up

In 2011 I purchased this from Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative. It was made by Sujata!  I liked her work then and I like it now!
Thank you all for the great comments on my Toran interpretation. If you haven't had a chance to comment to try and win her book , do it now! Comment HERE.

Almost done hand sewing my binding down. When I said binding wasn't my favorite part, I do like hand sewing the binding, I just do not feel like I am good at sewing it on by machine. There is so much bulky quilt to keep on the table.  I've only got about 24" to go! Yay!

I mentioned this quilt this past week too. I LOVE this pattern. I love the fabric I used. I do not love my workmanship and cringe every time I see it. It is wrapped and the recipient will love it.

 This weekend was the Scandinavian Fest in Portland which my son and I have a standing date to attend together. This year was bittersweet in that our friend, exchange host mum from Denmark, Lene,  passed away from aggressive cancer on Dec 3. We toasted her life at a Scandinavian restaurant, as well.
Then we had the pleasure of getting this ginormous tree in our house! It's in, but no decorations yet. I had my husband pick it out at a tree farm and he said it was hard to determine the size! I guess it was!

Happy Monday!


  1. Love the little quilt by Sujata! Your husband picked out he most beautiful tree! I miss the smell of a real tree. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Are you sure that tree is big enough? LOL
    We have done that before and we have lower walls, so can't go too big.


  3. Dear Lori, I am very sorry for your dear friend Lene!
    Best wishes!

  4. Oh my....this tree is so enormous !! :))))
    I love the funny photo with your helmet !! And I really love your Christmas quilt ...I saw it on the other post ! Ouuuh.... very cute !

  5. Lori, so sorry about losing Lene. Glad you got to honor her life at the festival! Heartfelt hugs... Too funny on the giant tree! They don't look that big on the lot! :) I do my bindings by hand and enjoy it, but would love to become more proficient to do them by machine because it's so much faster!

  6. The brighter blue fabric backing on the quilt you are binding is a good one. You always have such interesting projects in the works.

  7. Lori, your makings look beautiful and so dos the Christmas tree, gorgeous.

  8. wow that is a big tree!! wee
    love your quilt too,
    sorry your Scandinavian celebrations was bitter sweet. fun photo

  9. Very nice quilt. I'll bet your tree will be wonderful when it's decorated!

  10. I know what you mean about cringing when you see your workmanship. Thankfully there are those we can give to that will love it regardless! Your tree is a big one, hope you have help decorating it!! Good luck on the binding progress.:)

  11. I am so sorry about your friend Lene, I have followed your story with her and it makes me so sad knowing how special she was to you. Hugs. (I like to think she's somewhere chuckling at that photo of you three though!)

  12. So sorry to hear about the passing of your son's host Mom and friend!
    That is a great little quilt you got from AAQI. I wish I had purchased a few more.
    I'm glad your little quilt is going to a home where it will be loved! : )
    Wow!! That is a tree!! I hope you will share photos when it is decorated.

  13. I am so sorry to hear about Lene passing away, I know she was so special to your family. Have fun decorating that tree!

  14. I remember when you posted about your friend being ill and the quilt you had sent with your son. The picture of you three is adorable!
    That tree is huge! I hope you don't run out of decorations. I love the quilt you cringe over. It's cute with those mushrooms! That little AAQI quilt had free-form triangle blocks! Thank you for giving it a home.

  15. es edredón se ve fantástico
    el árbol..... deseo ver la dcoracion
    siento lo de tu amigo

  16. Love the quilting you are doing! Everything looks good & I love all the different patterns. I'm so sorry about Kenny's host mom, & I know she was special to you all. I"m glad you enjoyed the weekend festival and could honor her. I love the photo of the 3 of you! You look great & I know you had a ball! I love your tree too,& I think Cory had a great time picking it out! :) Can't wait to see it all done & decorated.

  17. So fun to have a standing date with your son!! It looks like a pretty good time! I'm sorry to hear about your friend Lena. Sending hugs.

  18. Love the Viking helmets! How fun to share this with your son.

    The blue fabric on your quilt back is beautiful and perfect, I love a surprise backing.

    I'm sorry to hear about your friend's passing. I remember when you sent her your Porch quilt.


  19. I am so sorry to hear about your friend Lene. I remember the beautiful quilt you made for her. Scandinavian Fest looks like a fun event. I have found that if I wear my machine quilting gloves when sewing on the binding I have better control of the quilt, it seems to help. I don't think they would have helped getting that tree in the house though!


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