
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Cultural Fusion Quilts- Giveaway

Wow! I've been blown away by the wonderful photos and terrifically written reviews of Sujata's Cultural Fusion Quilts book. I have to admit I'm a bit intimidated. But in the usual Humble Quilts style, here I go!

I was sent the ebook and this photo caught my eye as I made my way through the book.
(The Root Connection in Cultural Fusion Quilts) In India, string banners, known as torans, are used during cultural celebrations to create arches in doorways and pathways to welcome
guests. Torans made from fresh leaves and marigolds strung on cotton
strings adorn the doorways of private homes on a daily basis.

It immediately reminded me of this:

It isn't a celebration toran but laundry flapping and waving in the breeze on top of home in Guatemala. I was just there and was fascinated by this. 

Sujata's Quilt "Toran"

My mini version. Doesn't look a thing like hers! lol
I used her assembly instructions and it really went together easily. They were wonderful instructions. I didn't use any pins to sew these parts together. Sujata gave great tips for free form piecing.

If you look back at her Toran quilt you will see the quilting is  an important aspect of this quilt. I tried to mimic that with wavy quilting using my walking foot. Again, it wasn't as nearly as effective, but I now have my own little quilt to remind me of the waving colors on the rooftops of Guatemala. 

You will have plenty of chances to win  Cultural Fusion Quilts. Leave a comment to win on my blog. If you are in the United States you will win a hard copy. If you are outside the states you can win an ebook. I will draw a name on December 11th. Good Luck!

Check out these other bloggers to read more about Sujata's Cultural Fusion Quilts and for more chances to win!

Tue. Dec. 2 - Sujata Shah on C&T blog and
Wed. Dec. 3 LeeAnn Decker
Thu. Dec. 4 - Victoria Gertenbach
Fri. Dec. 5 Rachaeldaisy
Sat. Dec. 6 - Lori D.
Sun. Dec. 7 - Casey York
Mon. Dec. 8 - Malka Dubrawsky
Tue. Dec. 9 - Sherri Lynn Wood
Wed. Dec. 10 - Bonnie Hunter
Thu. Dec. 11 Jake Finch
Fri. Dec. 12 - Jan Burgwinkle
Sat. Dec. 13 Janet
Sun. Dec. 14 - Lindsay Conner

This giveaway is now closed! Thank you for entering!!


  1. My Reaction to Sujata's inspirational photo and the interpretation was a verbal"wow". I like you take on the same. Fun process, right?

  2. Wow, I love it. You are right that the quilting is very important to the "movement" of the quilt torans!

  3. I think your mini looks just great! The more I read about this book the more eager I am to have a copy in my library! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy - I've got my fingers crossed!

  4. This looks like a very interesting book indeed. Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. New to me Lori, I love the scrappiness of the quilts and the movement! Thanks for sharing, love how yours looks!

  6. Looks like a great book.
    I really like your little mini version .

  7. Love that little quilt. It reminds me of prayer flags.

  8. This looks such a great book !

  9. Your quilt is wonderful. As for the giveaway, I NEED this book! Please pick me!!!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  10. Oh I love your repro is so nice to see all the variations that can be thought up of an original design. thanks for the chance to win Lori...I think I would really like this book hugs, Julierose

  11. How perfect your little quilt is - special memories! I'm enjoying all the glimpses into the book and would love to win a copy.

  12. I love the colors! Thanks for the chance to win!

  13. I am loving this book more and more on tis tour! thanks for a chance to win it.

  14. I'm really loving what everyone is doing and saying about this book. Thanks for the chance to own a copy.

  15. I'm certain it is a wonderful book to have. Your mini is really beautiful.

  16. I really appreciate how no two quilts are identical - the hand of the maker is in each. That inspires me. Thanks for the chance to win.

  17. Your interpretation of Sujuta's quilt is awesome! It's CW laundry on the line! The more I see of Sujuta's quilts, the more I like them.

  18. I would love to own this wonderful book. What a fun technique !

  19. Looks like fun! I would love to win the book!

  20. What an interesting quilt. I can't believe you get yours done so quickly. I would love to win a copy. Thank you for the chance.

  21. Love your little quilt and I'd love to win a copy of Sujata's book.

  22. The quilt is amazing, would love to win the book!

  23. Looks like an inspirational and fun book!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I love how you were able to connect with Sujata's quilt with a cultural experience of your own. To me, the Browns and subdued greens make me think of the rather drab buildings and roads and then, of course, the colorful stripes are evidence of the people's personalities, energy, and community. Both quilts are great and, to me, are a perfect artistic expression of a different cultural experience. Sujata's is making me look at quilts in a very different way and I appreciate it! I hope I win! I'm so intrigued by this book! Magistra13 at yahoo dot com

  26. This looks to be inspirational. Love it.

  27. Isn't that the joy of creating.... everything is uniquely yours! I am interested in reading about her technique and her stories. I love the thought of creating quilts to remind you of the places you have been. Thanks for a chance to win. Janita

  28. I love how she uses so much color in her quilts and of course the relaxed piecing is wonderful! Would LOVE to win this book!

  29. Sujata's "Toran" & your "Clothesline" quilts are both freeform colorful fun. What an inspiring book!

  30. I would love to have this book, looks wonderful.

  31. Very nice§
    I would love to win this book

  32. Colorful book and would love to win this book to see how she does the piecing of her quilts.
    thank you for the chance to win.
    Carolyn B

  33. Love your little freeform quilt! Looks like a great book filled with color and inspiration!

  34. Hi Lori !! I really love your mini because I think it's like a tribute to Sujata and her quilts !
    Thank you for this beautiful post !

  35. What a fun interpretation of the quilt from the book! Thanks for putting my name in the hat for the drawing! June in San Diego

  36. I am reading a lot of great reviews on this book......all over the internet. Love your little quilt.

  37. Your quilt is wonderful! Love the gentle curves in the blocks. That really adds the look of the flags or washing blowing in the wind.

  38. The more I see of the book the more it pulls me in. Love the vibrant colors and wonderful designs. Your little quilt is so cute, love the fabrics you used.

  39. This books looks neat, it is colorful and full of different patterns.

  40. What a fun book- I have looked at it further on-line. What a great use of color. Love the "fractured quilt" on the front cover. It has been on my bucket list. Thanks for the chance to win,

  41. This book looks fascinating and full of inspiration. You To ran quilt turned out with your style sensibilities. Nice.

  42. Great pattern! I love the subtle movement created by the gentle curves, excellent job playing with light and dark. I love it! It's one of a kind!

  43. Great use of Cultural Fusion to add Guatemala to the mix!

    It's been many years since I've been to Guatemala, but the most enduring memory has been of the vibrant colors, colors, colors everywhere. Colors and the sweet lady across the street who sent her son over every couple of days with fresh handmade tortillas!

  44. Your mini version is so lovely with its rich, dense colours! Would love to have a copy of this book. Thanks for the chance.

  45. The photo of the Torans is my favourite one in the book. I love your mini and the fact that you've made it meaningful to your experiences. Great review of the book and spot on. Of course don't include me in the draw.

  46. Thank you for the chance to win, I love Sujata's blog and have been following it for years, now
    I can own her book and learn some of her beautiful piecing tricks. Thank you and Happy Sewing

  47. Love all these quilts. They inspire me.

  48. Love, love, love string quilts...... this quilt speaks to me!

  49. I would love to win Sujata's book. I have been a fan for a while of her quilts.

  50. I love the quilt on the front! What a great stash buster!!!

  51. Thanks for the chance to win - interesting little quilt!

  52. I love Sujata's take on colorful and mixed fiber quilts. She creates beautiful work with her freehand style. this book would be a treasure in any quilter's library.


  53. Love the simple curvy piecing. It makes the quilt look like they are moving along with the wavy quilting. What fun!

  54. Gentle curves...Yes! I love that little twist on strings.

  55. Great pictures and lovely written post. Love to win, thank you for teh give away Lori.

  56. You've done a wonderful review! Makes me want to buy Sujata's book NOW! I love how your project is personal to your trip to Guatamala. Beautiful.

  57. I am so inspired by your blog and wonderful mini lessons you share! Would love to win this inspirational book! Thanks!

  58. I love your mini version of the Toran quilt. Such an inspiring book by Sujata. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  59. The quilts in this book look beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win.

  60. Love the symbol isms mentioned. Great quilt and a way to have a "material" memory.

  61. What a great design accompanied by a beautiful selection of fabrics! This book looks to be an awesome opportunity to learn more techniques. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  62. I'd love a chance to win. Your quilt is a great way to remember. Thanks for sharing.

  63. Love your little quilt! I want to make one! I'd love to win the book! Thanks for the chance.

  64. I always love Sujata's projects! Your little quilt turned out great, and its fun to step into another type of quilting once in a while.

  65. It looks easy to make. Also, the quilting looks easy and flowing with the piecing.

  66. I really like Sujata's free-form curved piecing. Curves can be so intimidating, but her designs take away the need for old-school perfection. I can't wait to try it out!

  67. Thanks for providing your version of Sujata's quilt. Sometimes I can free-form-piece without anxiety but other times I like a little more control.

  68. I would love a copy of this book! I would love to learn how to do that without making it look like a "bad idea'. Thanks for the chance to win!

  69. These curves look gentle enough for a beginner. I'd love to win a copy.

  70. Thank you for checking out this lovely book Lori. I have just ordered it from Book Depository - free shipping, as I never seem to win anything. :-)

  71. Would love to win cuz I love quilts and books:)

  72. Learning about other cultures is so interesting to me and creating quilts from those cultural inspirations is so exciting! I am in the USA and would love a book!

  73. This looks like such an interesting book. I love the concept.

  74. Your mini looks fabulous. I love the inspirational photos.

  75. I love the idea of Sujata's torans and your Guatemalan rooftop laundry bridging cultures and ending up a quilt that expresses both. I would love to make the quilt...and having the book would really help that!

  76. Looks like a wonderful book. I love the chance to learn new cultures and quilting.

  77. I love seeing the same quilt pattern in totally different fabrics - and seeing how successful they both are! I love the curves - the triangles really do look like laundry blowing in the breeze! (love your photo from Guatemala!) I'd love to win this book - I've been a fan of Sujata's for a few years now.

  78. It looks like a very interesting book.

  79. I like free-form piecing. It's a relaxing way to play with fabric!

  80. I love the idea of more freedom in piecing and quilting :-)

  81. Your mini quilt is coming along great!

  82. great little quilt version!!
    I already have the book - so good luck to someone else

  83. Just pinned your quilt! Nice reading your blog. Thanks for the giveaway!

  84. There's a controlled wonkiness to her quilts that I find very comforting -- obvious freedom and creativity, but within guidelines of traditional piecing. I could do this and would enjoy it, I'm sure. Thanks for the giveaway.

  85. The subtle curves in her work, and in yours, really add interest to the liberated piecing. Looks great and lucky recipient of your quilt. I happen to think it looks fabulous and I love the pattern!

  86. Thank you for the chance to win.

  87. Oh I am sooooo loving this book! Every quilt I see is so different and so tasty! Thanks for the chance to win.

  88. The quilts in this book are awesome. I went and read each blogger's story and just love the book and the author more and more. She has a lot to teach us and I want to learn from her style. Thanks for the opportunity to have a chance to win this book.

  89. Would love to win this book! I am not very creative and therefore need all the help I can get!
    Really enjoyed all the small quilts. Thank you

  90. This book looks like a party! I'd love to have it.

  91. I love your quilt - that's a new way for me to improv.

  92. I love the ideas that Sujata is showing, giving more freedom to our quilt designing! Your banner quilt is so cute and inspiring. Thanks for sharing with us!

  93. Love Sujata and love the idea of 'Cultural Fusion' and would love, love, love to win her book!

  94. The photos in this book are inspirational!

  95. Love the book! I am happy to win!

  96. The more I see of this book, the more I want!!!

  97. I just discovered her work and would love to win the book.
    Thanks for sharing.

  98. Neat book...this is one I'd likely make something from!

  99. This book is filled with great ideas! I'd love a copy!

  100. The free form curves are great fun. This book is on my Christmas list, just in case I don't win one!

  101. The book is great. A friend had it at bee yesterday and I already put it on my must have list. So I hope I win.

  102. I love the colors of these quilts.

  103. The colors are wonderful, and I think your Toran turned out pretty sweet!

  104. Love what you did with Sujata's block, this is a must have book for anyone of us that love color and design.

  105. What a great book! Thanks for the chance to win!

  106. Would love to win a copy, thanks for the opportunity :)

  107. I love both versions of Toran! I will add this to my library one way or another

  108. The more I hear about this book, the more I want it (I mean Really Want It). Thanks for sharing your mini-Toran and your review of how it went together. ktsquiltdreams gmail com

  109. What a nice review of the book. It really makes me want to get my hands on it! Your mini quilt is beautiful and I like that you have made it to remember a visit. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  110. It looks as if Sujata's techniques would give a lot of freedom and creativity. Something I need to add to my quilting. lynnmcindoe (at) gmail (dot) com

  111. the book looks great. I am very willing to try free form piecing now.

  112. I am not quite done yet with your Cascadia mini but that wouldn't stop me from trying one of Sujata's projects! They look fabulous! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  113. I am really liking what I have seen of her book! Thanks for the giveaway.

  114. The more I see of her quilts, the more I like them. Nancy A:

  115. I am loving the quilts in this book! I really like how freeing her method of cutting and piecing is.
