
Monday, January 26, 2015

Basket of Blessings- Magazine Giveaway

I got an extra magazine sent to me so I thought I'd do a giveaway. Here's my spread. The directions look so long, but it isn't complicated at all, it just has lots of different colors and prints in it.

I made this quilt before so many deaths in 2014 but I still feel blessed. 
My blessings are not based on my circumstances.  Leave a comment telling me about a blessing in your life and you'll be entered to win. I'll draw a name after my trip on February 2nd. (February 1st we are having a Superbowl party at our house)
Good Luck!

I'll be posting from Bonnie's Buck Mtn Cabin on Instagram if you want to keep up with me!

Comments are closed for this giveaway. Thank you to all those who entered!


  1. And what a lovely spread it is, thanks for the chance to win. Each and everyday is a blessing, the good the bad and the ugly. A gift.

  2. A loving God, freedom, and my family is a bountiful blessing indeed!! Love your magazine 'spread'.

  3. My BFFs daughter just had brain surgery and she is doing so well, walking just 2 days after. God has blessed her.

  4. My little granddaughter is my biggest blessing, along with the rest of my family. Retirement is a close second. Your "Basket of Blessings" spread is beautiful!

  5. I'm very blessed to have all my quilting friends, old and new. Love your quilt!

  6. congrats Lori - your quilt look beautiful!

  7. You know my biggest blessing this past year! Very thankful for my marriage. Glad to see your final project. Have fun in NC. are you slated to get snow or is the storm more North?

  8. My husband is my number one blessing.

  9. Cute quilt. My biggest blessing is my wonderful husband. Would love to see this magazine.

  10. Thank you Lori for the give-away, that is a blessing, have blogging friends and a family that understands that we use time for sewing and blogging.

  11. My blessings are my family, my husband and my friends; they are small in number but huge in their care and comfort to me.

    Thank you for the giveaway. . . . your quilt is lovely.

  12. Am enjoying seeing pictures of your quilting retreat. The biggest blessing in my life is my children and grandchildren, who I adore. Especially the oldest, a lovely young lady who I am teaching to quilt!

  13. My biggest blessing in my life is my family.

  14. Too late for me - I already bought a copy, so don't enter me in the drawing. One of my big blessings is living near our son and family. He is able to just drop by at odd times and it is wonderful! Not to mention our wonderful DIL and their 2 kids. Have fun with Bonnie and Randy!

  15. Like the other comments here, family is my greatest blessing. I still have my 98-year-young grandmother; my mother, siblings, and of course, my own dear husband and three children. Life's greatest blessings are family, for sure. Thanks for the opportunity to win the magazine!!

  16. don't enter me in the drawing but just wanted to say the blessings in life include the many gererous quilting souls who not only donate their time but support each other during the challenging times in life. Have fun on your trip!! Can't wait to see the photos!

  17. Each day is counted as a blessing. Have fun on your retreat.

  18. The blessings in my life are the people in it. My family. My friends. The people I meet who make me see and feel and hear things in a new and different way. So many blessings.

  19. I lost my dad this year, but my blessing was I was honored to care for him each day for his last nine months of life. I was blessed to see another side of my Dad.

  20. I am so blessed to have my children and husband. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
    ErinLoves2Run at gmail dot com

  21. Blessings in my life are bountiful but the one I'll mention is my family's three generation sewing circle. We get together almost weekly, aunts and cousins and friends, to sew family and charity projects. Thanks for showing us your beautiful quilt.

  22. Lori, your Basket of Blessings is beautiful! I feel blessed to have been an Army wife. The military gave us the ability to travel and a deep understanding of the importance of family and friends!

  23. I just heard that one of my uncles died this morning. I was blessed to have him for so many years.

  24. I am blessed by a wonderful husband who loves me and has been helping me recover from a concussion back in October of last year. I am not always the best patient! :-) I love your design and was so happy to see you get included in the magazine. Have lots of fun with your friends. It seems you guys like to laugh a lot! :-) So good for the soul. Enjoy! K-

  25. Beautiful quilt, Lori. I'm blessed with children growing up into wonderful adults and adding loving spouses to our family.

  26. I was blessed this morning to be able to talk to a close friend in Russia that I haven't heard from for a while.

  27. I am blessed beyond measure with health and freedom and enough wealth to keep me from want! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  28. Ciao Lori, la benedizione che io ho avuto è stata la mia famiglia, mio marito e i miei quattro figli.
    Ti auguro ancora tante benedizioni.

  29. My family is my biggest blessing. We may disagree once in awhile but will have each others back no matter what. So glad I have them. Love,love,love your quilt. if I don't win I'll be going right out and getting a copy.

  30. Soy afortunada de tener tantas amigas en los blogger
    este edredón es precioso

  31. My blessing in life is my children's lives. In 2007 we were in a wreck that came too close to costing us our lives. We healed mostly and I am grateful that my girls are healthy as they can get now.

  32. I just bought a copy of this magazine, so you needn't enter me, but I wanted to say that your quilt is lovely.
    Blessings abound, and they are all from a loving Heavenly Father!

  33. I´m blessed to have my friends :)

  34. I'm feeling very blessed to be in Hawaii with my family right now. It is so beautiful here! A lovely break in a long winter. Congrats again on being published! So very cool :0)

  35. It's always good to count your Blessings. I count my 20 Grandchildren as my greatest Blessing. I would love to WIN the Magazine.

  36. when we were young my Dad used to say your most precious gift was your health and he was right. So that's my greatest blessing, so I can enjoy my wonderful family.

  37. Your project (along with every other project in that magazine) is so pretty! I'm blessed to have a wonderful group of caring, loving ladies in my life!

  38. I love that quilt and would love to make one too. Thanks for the chance of winning it.
    Blessings for me is getting up in the morning without (too much) pain and be able to make the entire day. Every day I can spend with my boys is a blessing. ;^)

  39. Lori, my daughter finally had the baby she wanted after several fertility treatments and failures. Once she stopped the treatments, god blessed her and us as well with a beautiful boy.

  40. The Lord blessed us this Christmas with Family... Our son and his family and our daughter and her family were here with us to celebrate ... The first time in 20 years since they left home to marry... Both are military families, so circumstances had never allowed this before.. Blessed beyond measure!!!

  41. Beautiful work. My blessing would be my granddaughter. Thank you for the giveaway.

  42. Your quilt is just awesome! You do beautiful work. I am a beginner and can only aspire to this level of talent!
    I am blessed with a little grandson! He is real joy.

  43. Love your quilt. My family is my greatest blessing:) Thanks

  44. My daughters, son in law, and husband are my greatest blessings. Hope you are having a great time.

  45. My most treasured blessing is of course family which comes from God. But, also, quilters and bloggers like you who are such a blessing. You provide so much motivation and inspiration to others. Thank you!

  46. Blessings! What a great topic. I just lost my Mom two days before Thanksgiving. She is my blessing. Because she has been fighting her disease for the past four years I was blessed to spend the summers with her at her summer home in Maine. What memories we made and fun we had. Thank you for reminding me of what a blessing she was for me.


  47. Isn't it wonderful to appreciate the great things we have in life? So many take those things for granted.
    I consider my greatest blessing to be my husband of 31 years. I prayed for him so many years ago and God put him directly in my path. We are best friends and love life together!

  48. Your quilt looks wonderful, how fun. My blessing is still having my parents in my life, they are both 84. Glad you're having fun in NC.

  49. Your quilt in the photo spread looks wonderful. As for blessings, I suppose Mo the Pug is my newest blessing. He makes me laugh!


  50. The quilt is beautiful. I'm blessed each day when I wake up in this good old USA. I have a wonderful husband, 2 grown children, 3 grandchildren, a warm house and plenty to eat. God is good.

  51. YOU'RE a blessing Lori! Yes, you bless us with your generosity! Quilt Alongs and all sorts of links and patterns and
    creative adventures AND TONS of quilty eye candy! S-u-c-h as your Basket of Blessings!! Your "spread" looks F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S
    d-a-r-l-i-n-g!! I've been wanting a subscription of this magazine.

  52. Hi Lori, I'm following your blog and really enjoy it your quilts are so beautiful!
    The greatest blessing in my life are my husband, my four children their spouses and my grandchildren, my friends and the gifts God gave to me when I use them in service for the people around me!
    Thanks for share your work with us!
    God bless you!
    Rina, in Sicily!

  53. Hi Lori...thanks for the chance to win this great magazine. And a pattern of yours featured in it too. Great! I was very ill in the hospital over Christmas Dec. 23-31. I have been blessed and know someone far greater than I was looking out for me. My family and I have been truly blessed. I continue to count my many blessings every day..
    Have a great day...hugs Marg.

  54. lovely quilt! and my blessing? too many to list but one is especially timely....during horrific blizzard today we are warm, sheltered, plenty of food, electricity, diversions....esp sewing time!

  55. I had a lot of health issues in 2014 that I hope are behind me for good, and they certainly cut down on my sewing time and enjoyment! Have fun with Bonnie, that to me is a true vacation to be able to eat, sew, walk, and just enjoy being together with friends.

  56. I am truly blessed, after a horrific fall in November, with lots of physiotherapy I am finally walking unaided and can sit comfortably long enough to stitch again.

  57. I am truely blessed with a wonderful family!!!! I am 38 and recently disabled and they have helped tremendously!!!!!

  58. Each and every day is a blessing.

  59. What a lovely quilt. Your outlook is such a gift!

  60. Waking up each day, having clothes on my back and food in my belly is a blessing. There are so many less fortunate.

  61. i love love love the basket of blessings pattern. i have wanted to try applique for a while now but was always intimated by it. this pattern just might be the push i need to get started. thank you for the opportunity.

  62. Getting up every day and be able to do daily living activities independently; and the love of family; and friends; and this wonderful country, and...

  63. My grandchildren are my blessings in life!

  64. Blessings of a simple, happy life filled with loving family and friends, and quilting!

  65. Looks like a great magazine. My boys are my blessing. Looks like you are having fun at Bonnie's.

  66. My husband is almost a five year survivor of an aortic dissection with an accompanying stroke. Even his doctor did not think he would survive the first week and considers him a "walking miracle." In fact, he is walking again with a cane and an AFO. It has been a very long road back. Life takes very sudden turns. Enjoy today with your loved ones! And count even your smallest blessings.

  67. My greatest blessings are my children and husband. I am also blessed that I am able to be a stay at home mom.
    Love the magazine layout, congrats!

  68. My blessings are my family and my friends especially my quilty friends from the Internet and nose to family is fun and funny and thinks I can quilt friends boost my buns to get back and get quilting I am a lucky out and hope that lucks wins me a magazine !!!

  69. my nieces are my blessing! Yes plural, all of them! Love the log cabin variation on the cover!

  70. Lovely spread, Lori, and beautiful quilt. I have too many blessings to name them all -- health, hands, eyesight, my Savior, a home and family. Gosh, the list could go on forever!

  71. My blessings are my wonderful husband; two healthy, beautiful daughters who live close by; and time and materials to make quilts!

  72. I've had many blessings over the years - family and friends, etc. One of the best has been quilting and the fellowship it brings that helps me through all the ups and downs of life. And meeting YOU in person last September at the Portland quilt show was fantastic! Thanks for the opportunity to win! (If I'm the winner, please autograph the article in the magazine!) Love the quilt and have been wanting to try something along those lines.

  73. You always have the most delightful quilts! Thanks for the giveaway...I am so completely blessed by a loving husband of nearly 24 years, 2 sons with whom I am so very proud, friends who support and love me and a loving Savior who has blessed me beyond measure!

  74. I have many blessings. I have my wonderful husband who supports me in what ever I want to do. I started quilting a year ago. My first quilt is a Dear Jane. We travel a lot and he helps find quilt shops for me when we are away. He is very silly and board when we are in a quilt shop. He tells the ladies in the shop all his knowledge about quilting. It all comes out wrong but he charmes them!

  75. I'm blessed with Faith, family, friends, and fabric!

  76. Everyday is a gift that is why it is called the present :0) Give thanks for all you have and be grateful in your all your blessings.

    Thanks for the chance to win and thanks for the sew along...I am catching up!
    Happy Sewing
