
Friday, January 23, 2015

Flags of American Revolution

If you are in your sewing room and want to do a bit of piecing on the blocks we have completed, you should!
Your center eagle needs to measure 30 1/2". This was the only one I hadn't trimmed. 

Add your sawtooth stars to the left of these blocks.  (seriously terrible photo!, sorry!)
You can add these to the sides of these blocks. The bottom left doesn't look right this way, but it will be on the left of the eagle center, so it will be right.

Kim and I were ON IT when we ordered the Flags of American Revolution buttons from Jan Patek.

But neither of us know how to sew on buttons that have no holes!! My options are: have my hubby drill two little holes in them or sew them on by wrapping the thread across the stars, which I do not think will look that good. Any ideas? They are pretty small so am not sure we could get 2 holes in them....... hmmmmmm. Kim wrote to Jan and as far as I know she has not gotten a response.

I will be having a magazine giveaway on Monday. Stay tuned and have a fantastic weekend!!


  1. I have my quilt mostly sewn together ready to post on the first. Maybe you could glue a shank on the back of the star buttons.

  2. Hi Lori,
    I am sewing the project, still appliqueing stars. Are we sewing blocks together this month already to show in our linky party?

  3. Wow! this is looking great. Very inspiring. The little stars are probably meant to be glued, but not being a fan of glue on fabric, maybe you could just drill one hole in the center and stitch out from there with similar color thread or maybe even gold thread to make the stitching stand out. Can't wait to how you handle it and see the finished quilt. Just love it.

  4. Your quilt is going to be so cool! Looking forward to seeing now you handle the buttons - I bet you were a little surprised to receive "buttons" with no holes! Let me know if you get a response from Jan P - I tried for months to contact her and never did hear from them.

  5. I was just thinking of you and your ordered buttons yesterday after I spent 2 hours & 3different stores looking for blue star buttons. I was kicking myself for not just ordering as you did and thought I should just drop you a note asking if you had received and liked your buttons (as I've heard stories about poor service).
    I was going to say the same as Wendy, above. Center hole, thread stitching out from there would add some dimension to the flat white star.
    The quilt is looking great though!

  6. Love how your quilt is coming along! For the stars, how about drilling one hole, then stitch through add a small bead and stitch back through. The bead would act like a stopper and be decorative little detail. I hope that makes sense. I don't like glue either.

  7. I'd probably use E-6000 to glue a pin back to the little star buttons (I think a tie tack with clutch may be best due to the small size). Wishing you the best with the solution to this problem. Perhaps returning them is a good answer if you cannot find a solution you like well enough to move forward. Please let us know what you decide to do.

  8. The blocks look so nice sewn together, I am working on stars!

  9. I have written Jan again I will let you know if I hear anything.
    At this point I am thinking of using a small dremel tool to make holes large enough for
    a needle and thread to pass through. Now I am disappointed about the buttons and
    no response from Jan. Live and learn right?
    Happy Sewing, my blocks are coming along slowly but they are just terrific so far!

  10. ah oh...someone on the button line forgot to make the holes! wonderful quilt!

  11. Drill baby, drill! Actually, I will be surprised if drilling works but am eager to see him give it a try.

  12. That is strange--buttons with no holes. You have received some good suggestions for options working with just one hole, if your hubby can get them drilled. I'll be interested to see what you end up doing.

  13. On Jan Patek's blog, it says they have added a new email address due to problems with their yahoo account. The new address is

  14. I would buy new buttons, lol.
    I have a few americana quilts that I still want to make and a few to finish.


  15. The blocks look so good. I have found some "buttons" without holes when looking for decorative buttons. I don't like to glue things on either. Hope you find a solution.

  16. Love seeing all these blocks start coming together! Odd that the buttons don't have holes. That's a new one for me.:)

  17. fun to see all the blocks. good luck with the no-whole buttons. I actually like the criss cross idea.

  18. Your blocks look great. I need to get back to mine. I have those stars too, but haven't had the nerve to try putting holes in them. I looked at a close up of Jane's, and yes her buttons are wrapped. Maybe that gives it a vintage look. Wonder if a double French knot would holed it if you make one hole? Look forward to see what you do.

  19. Dremel tool best drilling option. For one hole what about a small bead maybe wood you might be able to stain or paint to match button. Then use thread to anchor. Am not a big fan of stitching across or gluing. Dilemma indeed. Thinking cap will simmer this problem and ask some can-do friends

  20. Hi Lori !! If your husband makes one hole in the centre, you could stitch them with transparent thread....turning around the star !

  21. If your have some hooks/eyes by chance, you could super glue the eye at a slight angle . Then it's possible to sew them on. Or you might check a beading store. I found some beautiful stars that were drilled on the sides. Sewing them down on Christmas fabric was easy and not visible for the most part.

  22. I love this quilt-along and the slow but steady progress I've made thanks to your deadlines and the fun of seeing what other folks are doing. Time to start putting it all together - exciting! I have never used buttons so have no good advice for you!


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