
Monday, January 5, 2015

Baskets Galore and Cascadia Mystery Winner

The new year brings back fresh enthusiasm for quilts I've set aside. The baskets galore from 
Legend and Lace is one of them.  Wendy opted to set hers with sashing. You can see it HERE. It is beautiful!

 I played around with that strategy an decided not to do it that way. Having shirtings against shirtings it a little unusual and I think that is why I like it. It is unpredictable! I can see it quilted with an all over fan pattern. (maybe!)
 Before I could get them ready I needed to applique these three final blocks.  DONE!
 I have the blocks all packaged up with my diagram to take on my quilt retreat later this month. I may add an additional border, but I've got everything ready to sew up to this point. Yay! That feels good.

I always do a drawing for those who sewalong with my small quilts and totally spaced it out when we had the Linky party. I try and make the prize reflect something or some color of the quiltalong. There were 34 people who linked up their tops. Thank you so much! I couldn't be more thrilled! See them HERE!
I've drawn a name and hopefully the winner will like a bag of my 1 1/2" squares. (with a few short strips thrown in) 

The winner is number 14- Barbara of Quilts, Gravestones, and Elusive Ancestors.  Please send me your mailing address Barbara and I'll get the package in the mail. Congratulations!

PS, Jodybird, you mentioned you'd like to help my adopted family in Guatemala, but you are "No-reply" so I cannot contact you, Please send me an email if you'd still like to help. Thanks!


  1. Love the basket setting. Great choice!

  2. ooops. not sure -
    I love your different shirting backgrounds lori! Yay - my friend Barbara won!

  3. Oh, Lori. I love this quilt. I'm such a sucker for baskets . . . . .

  4. I L*O*V*E* this setting!! PERFECT!!

  5. The setting is so perfect for your baskets and flowers. I can hardly wait to see it all together.

  6. Congratulations Barbara !!
    Lori, your blocks are so cute !! Love them.....

  7. I like what you are doing with this layout. Always fun to put your own twist on it to make yours unique.

  8. I was just thinking the other day that I need to get moving on my Baskets Galore BOM blocks myself! Yours is wonderful! Love the shirting fabrics play in your quilt.:)

  9. That is a beautiful quilt and it will be fun to work on it and have it finished.


  10. Your blocks are lovely and the setting just perfect!

  11. Great setting for this gorgeous group of blocks!! I love how the blocks themselves really stand out.

  12. I love all the different shirtings next to each other. They're lovely blocks and will make a beautiful quilt!

  13. Lori, I LOVE how you chose to set your blocks!!! It will be fabulous!!

    I finished up my Cascadia in time for a doll quilt for my granddaughter for Christmas - but missed getting it linked up! She loves it by the way and packs it around with "Doll" every day!

    Blessings and hugs!

  14. I love your version of Baskets Galore. The low key subtle contrast of the shirtings---and the alternate applique blocks---make it so appealing and unusual. It's going to be a beauty.

  15. I like your shirting setting idea. All those little prints mingling together adds to the vintsge look.

  16. I agree with Kyle, I really like the shirting prints. Congratulations to Barbara!

  17. Oh yes - the shirtings look lovely - totally charming!

  18. The quilt is looking great, love the mix of shirtings.

  19. i love basket quilts and will be quilting one soon!

  20. tu edredón es muy bonito!!!
    me gusta tu combinación de telas muchísimo

  21. That setting looks great. Nice to see the way you have used the baskets.


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