
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

One more project

A friend, who I met through blogging, Sharon @ Grassroots Quilting, has asked me to do a trunk show and workshop at her guild in Washington! I'm excited and need more small pieces for the workshop. Can you believe 1 1/2" squares? That is what I just sent away to the Cascadia quiltalong winner. 

Good reason to meander through my scraps. 

Here's my small pile of 1 1/2" squares. I thought it would be fun to have extras to share at class, so I'll keep cutting.

Here is the other project I mailed ahead. 

 The amount of blue I have from Jill's stash and two other quilt pals who sent me what they had, will determine the size of the quilt.
That little square is all I have uncut.

Three more sleeps until my trip to Quiltvilla in North Carolina! 


  1. You must be so excited about the retreat at Quiltvilla--as Bonnie is to have you! Wish I could be a fly on the wall to see all the fun and creativity that will go on!

  2. You are really busy these days with a trip to Bonnie's and then a workshop! What fun! I'm sure you will be really pumped up after your time with Bonnie and then will proceed to pump up the group in WA! That is great!

  3. Very exciting and fun! Zipping from coast to coast. Have a great time!

  4. I love scraps!! I can't wait to see your photos from retreat! life is a blessing isn't it?!

  5. I love working with scraps and it is fun to play around with blocks to make small quilts.


  6. suena muy divertido!!!
    empezar a preparar todo lo que se puede necesitar
    me gusta..........

  7. Wish I could see your presentation to Sharon's guild! What a treat that would be. Hope you have someone take lots of photos to share!
    This little quilt you are making looks really sweet.
    Safe travels to you!

  8. What a great program....have fun !! :)))

  9. I would love to see a trunk show of your quilts someday. I look forward to seeing photos of your workshop.

  10. Sadly, we're due to get some icky weather with predictions of rain/snow this weekend, so you may want to pack your rain gear.

  11. Very fun to do a trunk show! Any nerves about doing the workshop?:)

  12. How exciting! Going to quilt villa! Please tell Bonnie hello from Kevin the Quilter! LOL I am curious, I am relatively new to your you rotary cut or use an accuquilt or sizzix?

  13. Congrats on your upcoming trunk show, wish I could come. Have fun at Bonnie's.

  14. You are a jet setting quilter! Sure would love to see your trunk show. Have fun on your quilt villa retreat.

  15. You need scraps?? I think I can help you!!

  16. More 1 1/2 inch squares - lol! I'd love to come for your trunk show and workshop! You'll be great! Have fun at Quiltvilla!!

  17. I have a hard time throwing away leftovers too and end up with many scraps. Needless to say I do many scrappy quilts, although they are " organized" scrappy. My "teachers at quilt classes would say " put them in a bag and pull out a scrap and sew it" haha! She knew what I was going to be doing!

  18. congrats on your booking - wish I could come! have fun on your retreat.

  19. Have a great time at Quiltvila and congrats on the Washington gig!!


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