
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving from Humble Quilts

Thank you all who come and read Humble Quilts, leave encouraging messages and emails. I really enjoy sharing my life with you all! 
I have many things to be thankful for.
Blessings to you all.


  1. And all the same to you and yours Lori. I am grateful to be a "cyber" friend and thank you for all that you share with us, and all that you do in your life for others........You're a real sweetheart.

  2. And Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well.

  3. And the same to you. I always enjoy your blog, and especially your pictures of the areas where you hike. I am recovering from epi-retinal membrane removal surgery done a week ago. They inserted a gas bubble, so am seeing more each day.

  4. Hoping your Thanksgiving was wonderful. We all do have much to be thankful for.

  5. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving - thanks for all the blogging and inspiration and friendship

  6. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving notwithstanding your meal being such a FLOP! Sounds like it was a series of disasters, one after the other. You are all so forgiving that I'll bet everyone took it in stride.
    Looking forward to seeing you next month! Will be in Sunriver from the 18th until second week of January!


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