
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Buhl Bushong Continued plus Wildflower Wow!

I'm slowly making progress on assembling the center of the Buhl Bushong quilt. Get more info on it HERE. 

I knew this could pose a problem. I think I have a fix for this one. I'm not going to get crazy about all of them matching perfectly. It will quilt out, right?? LOLOL 

Since my son now lives closer to me we were able to get out on a mid week hike. We warmed up 2 miles down the wrong trail...heehee

  This is what we came to see! Hillsides of wildflowers!
From the National Forest website: Set aside for its botanical interest, Iron Mountain provides habitat for more than 300 species of flowering plants, which share their beauty throughout the summer season.

 A view from the old lookout platflorm,
Feeling rather patriotic on the Wednesday before 4th of July. 

 Lovely old growth trees.
This was from the 4th of July. Elsa and I went out for a 5K parade of one!! LOL

I hope your week is going well.


  1. Wildflowers and beautiful red, green, and cheddar in the same post! Beautiful!

  2. I have to admit I wasn't too crazy about this quilt until I saw the 4 blocks together. Now I love it! Wish I could have been with you on the mountain. I love wild flowers. Thanks for the pictures.

  3. I am currently appliqueing the little fleur de lis shape leaf and bud every night just do 4-6 blocks moving right along and the views you posted are fabulous inviting!

  4. I love the little quirks in your applique---and the fabrics!

    The land where you live is so beautiful.

  5. The corner appliques really make a statement on this quilt. They enhance the whole thing beautifully!
    Gorgeous shot of the wildflowers. Wow--love it!

  6. Oh, man, those wildflowers are breathtaking! Hugging a tree, huh? I like it and would be right beside you. I'm so glad your son is nearby now.

  7. My comment vanished--but thumbs up for the quilt and wildflowers and beautiful views!

  8. The buds in the corners are sweet and look perfectly lovely to me. Awesome to go hiking with your son :0)

  9. Your hiking photos are always wonderful. We, Melbourne, are back in lockdown for 6 weeks. They call it the a second wave as we had got down to days of zero new cases. Some apartment blocks have lock-ins. They are not allowed outside and their food , everything is delivered.
    At least we have a garden and if this Winter weather isn’t too cold we can enjoy the fresh air.
    Lots of sewing being done and Hubby has his vegetable garden, shed etc to keep him busy, so all good.

  10. Great applique and ahhhhhh I can almost sense the crisp fresh air! What beauty - ruggest Western beauty - love it.

  11. My heart always opens up when I read about your hikes. I do love to hike in your country and I hope so it will be able for us to travel again in the future and enjoy the beautiful outdoors.
    Your Buhl looks great, I see know you are doing it on the machine, great job!

  12. Lori, you and Elsa look spectacular for the 4th! The wildflowers were gorgeous and that tree immense! Thank you for sharing!

  13. Your quilt is really looking nice. You are doing excellent work on it. Thanks for sharing the nature pictures.

  14. Wow is right!! Those wildflowers are spectacular! Love seeing you on the trails with Old Glory :) Your quilt is really looking good!

  15. Please get down off that bench!!!

  16. Your quilt is beautiful! Love the wild flowers, beautiful colors!!! The week-end is almost here! Enjoy!!!

  17. This is a post full of good things! I love love the wildflowers! Your quilt is beautiful—the green in the flower buds add a lot of wow!

  18. Those old big trees appreciate your hugs! Beautiful walk in the hills! Love your quilt progress!

  19. Wow those wildflowers are gorgeous! wow
    your quilt looks great, perfection is overated.


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