
Monday, July 6, 2020

Revolution 2020

I thought the free motion waves would look a little like the flag fluttering. 
I’m really happy With it and the feelings behind it.

I admit, I struggled with the label to try and put what was going on but I think when history looks back we will know what was going on in 2020. I thought these quotes were appropriate. If you have a hard time reading them I typed them up and you can see them below.

Our church and another local church is hoping to get a dialogue going about race relations in our town. We will start with a group of women. I asked a lady at church if she would be willing to tell us some problems she has faced in our little town. She got a little weepy and shared a story that happened recently to her. When we see or hear  injustices, we must not be silent! 

The title of the little quilt came from this song:

Let's make a difference in the world this week!


  1. I love it! Indeed, let's all make a positive difference in our world!

  2. perhaps if more dialogue had taken place, some of the extreme behaviors could have been avoided or defused...

  3. I love the sentiment behind this, and love the little quilt itself. Great job!

  4. Congrats on finishing your Freedom quilt, Lori!

  5. I am happy your church is engaging in conversation. We need to be listening a lot more these days.

  6. Wow, you have given so much to think about. Thank you. Love the quilt.... Rovolution!!!

  7. Love the quilt, the quotes on the label, and the fact that you are opening dialogue to bring about positive change!


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