
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Juniper Flats & Elm Creek Giveaway

I know many of you are decorating for Christmas already. It doesn't matter how late Thanksgiving falls in November there will be no Christmas decor up until AFTER Thanksgiving.
I realized I never showed you this fun little quilt I reproduced from an antique. I call it Juniper Flats since the high desert is rather brown a good part of the season. It suits the fall theme really well.
I hand quilted fans across the whole thing.
I used a bunch of scraps, but you know, it hardly made a dent.
Here is the vintage one.

As you may or may not know I am having a giveaway of the Elm Creek Quilt Companion.

Here are the quilts that were recreated from the novels! I'm a sucker for a sampler quilt!
You still have time to enter! Go here and leave a comment. Many of you that commented are no reply bloggers and I have no way of contacting you. I left a message after your comment. Please go check and see if you are one of them, then either hit reply and put in your email or email me and I will tell you how to update your settings. It doesn't do you any good to try and win something from a blog if we cannot contact you. (it makes me sad)

Have an awesome day!


  1. I am with Christmas decor until after Thanksgiving! Darling fall mini quilt.

  2. What a great little Thanksgiving vinget you have there Lori. I'm just dreading hauling all my Christmas stuff down the stairs, but then again, I think it's worse hauling it all back UP!!

    Wow, your little vintage quilt looks JUST LIKE the real one, except the older one has a darker border strip. Cool!!

    I'm glad I still have a chance for winning the book!!

  3. Very nice table topper, I really like the border fabric. Being Canadian it was no xmas until after Nov 11, but I agree, no Christmas until thanksgiving weekend.

  4. Love the colors in your vintage reproduction-it's beautiful - lovely display, too. Those quilts from the Elm Creek books are wonderful!!! I agree, no Christmas decorations here until Thanksgiving is over...we like to enjoy each season and holiday.

  5. Hi Lori, Very cute quilt! And nice give away! I don't need the give away, just want to say hi and Happy Thanks giving! Cheers, CW

  6. that is just lovely and makes a very seasonal display. Here in England people don't seem to decorate with quilts. but I am watching you American and Canadian gals and following your example. (I just need to make loads more quilts!)

  7. I usually follow the no Christmas decoration rule, too. This year I'm cheating. We did no decorating last I still have my fall decs up along with trees that have only lights and fall garland. Looks festive and I got yo peek at some cherished and missed Christmas decorations :-)

  8. NO Christmas Decor is allowed before Thanksgiving at my house. I frantically finishing all the Gifts I can before then though. I just skimmed through and LOVE the way Jennifer did this book! A great resource! Cute story in the BACK! If I got another copy it would be a GIFT.

  9. Love your Thanksgiving decorations and the little quilt is so sweet! Love all the brown! I'm with you, no Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving--it's too good a holiday to ignore.:)

  10. I like your little reproduction quilt. I like the little hit of cheddar and blue in yours and that fun maze print and the pink in the original. Is the vintage one quilted? It looks like it might just be a top from the picture. It's a wonderful little fabric study from the past :0)

  11. I am a quiet lurker of your blog. Been for some time already. I love the Elm Creek books, have several of them but no book with photo's of quilts. Must go look for it.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Riet in Holland

  12. That is a great quilt, Lori. I want to make something like it when I get a few minutes (who am I kidding--hours!).
    No Christmas allowed at my house until we appropriately celebrate Thanksgiving!!

  13. I agree with you! I don't even want to think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving!

  14. precioso edredón, me gustan los colores!!!
    este año............. no quiero pensar en navidad, al menos ahora

  15. I LOVE your little quilt. I may have to rummage through and try to replicate the colors---so lovely for the Autumn season. And there's no Christmas here, either, until after Thanksgiving. The time goes at warp speed as it is---I just have to have my separate holidays. :)

  16. I love your little scrappy quilt..perfect for fan quilting. I don't decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving also. Why rush?

  17. We have so many family Birthdays in November I won't look at anything Christmas before December arrives. Love the little scrappy quilt. May have to try one of those too.

  18. I'm with you and even go a little further...NO Christmas decorating until Dec. 1 at the very earliest! I love Thanksgiving and think it deserves it own time.

    Happy Sewing and Happy Thanksgiving too.

  19. Lori, i love your sweet little Juniper Flats quilt.. it's perfectly scrappy, my favourite style!! I love how you have it displayed.. that black kitty is ssoo cute and i love that darling little pillow too!!
    Thanks for the peek inside the Elm Creek Quilt Companion, what gorgeous quilts!! i'm a sucker for sampler quilts too :))) cheers... Marian

  20. I agree that Christmas decor waits until Thanksgiving is over. When I as a child, my father brought a tree home on Christmas Eve. He would get one for $1.00 at the tree lot as they marked them down just before closing. That was when the decorations came out.

    I recognize some of those fabrics in your little quilt as having been in my stash at some time or another.

  21. Gorgeous little quilt Lori and I love the original too. I think it would make a lovely holiday project.

  22. That's a beautiful quilt! Love the pinkeep that's perched on top of it too!

  23. Sweet little quilt! I would LOVE to have this book.
    Take care.

  24. I agree! Never put Christmas decor out til December! Why skip over the wonderful fall colors, pumpkins, and my personal favorite... pilgrims. :) Give Thanks..... then move on.

  25. I'm with you Lori, NO Christmas decorations or music until after Thanksgiving! Love your little repro quilt!

  26. I adore your little quilt! so cute and the fans quilts are sweet~
    I totally agree about decorating for thanksgiving! No christmas until after we give thanks!

  27. What a cute little quilt! If you have the antique quilt, would love to see a picture of it. Thanks for sharing a picture of your little quilt!

  28. Your little quilt is so cute! It looks easy to make. I will attempt it after the holidays. Thanksgiving is always celebrated at our house first. We all have much to be thankful for. Around Dec. lst I bring the tree out of storage and start decorating. We celebrate "The Twelve Days of Christmas" starting on Christmas Day and ending on January 6th. So, our decorations are up a bit longer than most. Love all things Elm Creek but haven't seen this book yet. Thank you for the giveway and may you have Happy Holidays!

  29. Such a sweet little quilt. I'm still trying to hand quilt, but it doesn't come easy for me.
    My husband put the lights on the house yesterday, because the weather was good.
    He will turn them on until the day after Thanksgiving. But he's glad their up.

  30. what a great reproduction~!~love your Juniper Flats~!!!


  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. This is a beautiful little quilt!

  33. Lori, I LOVE this!
    I used it as an inspiration for my Chinese Coins.


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