
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Calling All Elm Creek Quilt Book Fans!!

Look what I've got my hands on!! A companion guide to everything ELM CREEK!  If you have read all the books and want even more, you will want this. If you've ever lost track of who is who while reading one of the Elm Creek Quilt books you can refer to this book. 

Hmmmm, who is Charles Davis? You could turn to his name (alphabetically, of course) and see he was in The Quilter's Legacy novel, and was the Boston landlord, and later husband, of Amelia Langley Davis. In a letter to Eleanor Lockwood Bergstrom, Amelia describes him as her "dear friend and comrade."

Do you want to know more about Elm Creek Manor? This book will bring you on a guided tour!

Would you like to own it? You can! Just leave me a comment and tell me your favorite Elm Creek book, or your favorite character and why. If you are a no reply blogger, please leave me your email address so I can contact you easily.

I'll announce the winner Saturday morning November 16.

This drawing is CLOSED!


  1. Hi Lori
    I think I especially liked reading The Lost Quilter. It took me back in time and I was very unhappy when it ended, I wanted more!
    I would love to win this book.
    Get some sewing in today!

  2. I would love to win this book. I like all of the books, but especially The Sugar Bush quilt because growing up in NE Ohio I helped in my grandfather's sugar bush where we tapped 500 trees on his land and the adjoining farm my uncle owned. Many happy days, and lots of work involved. I remember on warm days sitting on a big rock near the edge of the creek that ran through the property and daydreamed and listened to the lulling sound of the water. We have made it on our property, but now one of our sons does that, and unfortunately with my fructose intolerance I can no longer eat it, but I remember the fragrance of the sap boiling and the steam rising our of the open part of the roof of the building where we boiled at Grandpa's. They had built a fireplace on which the big pan and two smaller pans sat, and it would take four foot long logs to keep the fire going. The sap was stored in an underground cistern on the hill above the building and piped to the pan, with a spigot to regulate the flow. Probably more than what you wanted to hear, but those were happy memories..

    1. Dear Jean, Not more than we wanted to hear, but a delightful story. I never knew that about a cistern piping sap to the pan. I can tell you had a wonderful childhood.

    2. Dearest Jean, your comment was not too long. I found it to be an interesting story, and I learned something about a cistern being used to pipe sap to the pan. You must have had a very nice childhood.

  3. My favorite book was The Runaway Quilt, I have read it twice. (And, of course, The Lost Quilter, that continues Joanna's story) I am now reading Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker. I love Civil War era history novels. I would love to win this book.

    Thanks so much for having this giveaway.

  4. My favorite was The Sugar Camp Quilt. I loved the story of her gruff uncle having her make the quilt and then ruining it and she was so upset only to find out later that it was for the purpose of saving lives. I loved that story.

  5. My favorite is always the most recently read, which for me is the Aloha Quilt. I loved the setting of Hawaii, and I could really relate to the struggle of the main character. I also loved how the support of her quilting friends grounds her and although their choices seem "wrong" at the time, eventually it became apparent that everything was as it needed to be. Great book!

  6. I love these books! I started reading them soon after I was introduced to quilting - they really cam alive and I even learned from them! It's hard to choose a favorite, but I guess it is The Master Quilter. I'm crossing my fingers!

  7. I loved them all...can;t pick a fav. Would really enjoy this companion book.

  8. I love listening to these books while sewing. They're interesting and easy to lose yourself in. I love the book Sonoma Rose

  9. My favorite book from the series is The Runaway Quilt. I love all her books. I have not gotten The Elm Creek Quilts Companion book yet and would love to win a copy! I have read most of the books in her series twice already and want to reread them again this winter, the Companion book would be perfect! Thanks for the chance to win. (My favorite character is Gerda.)

  10. I could really use this guide. I've read many of these books but out of order and over many years. I do get confused on who is who.

  11. I have read most of the books, and I think I like the earlier books the best. I can't decide between Round Robin or Cross Country Quilters as my favorite. Both books showed clearly the importance of friendships and how quilting and the quilting community help these women in their personal lives.

    1. Ok, it should show now as I changed my profile. I am not a blogger, so have no idea how I even have a blogger profile. It used to be enough to have a google account, but I think since they went to Google+ they changed and now you have to join +. in order to show your email.

  12. I love all the books I also liked the Aloha Quilt the best : )

    1. I have no way of contacting you as there is no email attached to this profile.

    2. How do I change my setting?

  13. I too, have read them all. I'd love to win this book! I think its a tie between the Runaway Quilt, and the Wedding Quilt. Fingers crossed!

  14. I've read many of the books, but not in order, so I'm often confused about who's who. My favorite is the Sugar Camp Quilt with it's story that things are not always as they appear. Thanks for the giveaway.

  15. What a great idea! After so many books I can't remember everyone. My favorite book is the beginning. The Quilter's Apprentice.

  16. I haven't read any yet, but do have the pattern book for Sylvia's Bridal Sampler.

  17. My favorite is Circle of Quilters. I loved reading about the four women and their lives, and how they might or might not fit in with Elm Quilt!

  18. I like the very first book. It is the lead in for a long and interesting read.


    1. I have no way of contacting you as there is no email attached to this profile.

  19. I loved reading Round Robin!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. I have no way of contacting you as there is no email attached to this profile.

  20. Great favorite is the Quilter's Apprentice.

  21. My favorite Elm Creek book is The Lost Quilter. It was heartbreaking and heartwarming all at once. A very good read. Thanks for the chance to win an Elm Creek Quilts Companion. That would be a fun addition to my collection.

  22. I love them all. Runaway Quilt was one of my favorites however. Thanks for the chance!

  23. I have enjoyed them all, and finish each one deciding thaat it is my favourite. I think I'm about due for a re-read of them all! Thank you for the chance to win a copy of this - it sounds very handy!

  24. Quilter's apprentice, I think. Thanks for a chance to win!

    1. I have no way of contacting you as there is no email attached to this profile.

  25. They are all my favorites, I love Jennifer's writing skills, she makes me beg for more. Her books always end and you just know that with patience she will have a continuing saga on the market very soon. I have reread my books so many times. Have them all, including pattern books, just need this one to round out the collection.

  26. I like them all but my favorite is probably the Quilters Apprentice .

    1. I have no way of contacting you as there is no email attached to this profile.

  27. Thanks for the chance to win. My favorite is probably Round Robin!

  28. hard to choose but since i have to choose it would be the circle of quilters...the intrigue of learning about the new people and who will be chosen to teach and why made this a hard-to-put-down volume

  29. My FAVORITE Elm Creek Novel is The very first one.The Apprentice. It got me hooked and I have read most every one. And can't wait for the next one. Thing is, I was never a big reader until then. Thanks for the oppertunity to win such a great part of this serios

  30. I loved The Quilter's Apprentice because it was the first of many wonderful stories which have given me many hours of reading pleasure. Thank you for an opportunity to win this book.

  31. The Christmas rang a note with me and makes me think of my Mom....lovely give-a-way. It would ceratinly be fun to have and read.


    1. I have no way of contacting you as there is no email attached to this profile.

    2. I have been using Google option as it supposedly gives you one of my emails....not sure why that is not working.

  32. I hate to admit that I have not yet read any of Jennifer Chiaverini's books. Our guild Librarian is wonderful and gives a book recommendation in each newsletter, so I know where I can start. I guess this would be a good reference to have on hand. Great giveaway!

  33. I have read all of Jennifer Chiaverini's books. . . . and I must admit, some of the characters have slipped my mind, so having an "encyclopedia" of all the characters would be wonderful!

    Thank you for the giveaway.

  34. This would be a wonderful addition to someone's quilting library -- maybe it will be me! Thanks for the opportunity.

    1. PS my favorite book will always be the first one I read -- Quilter's Apprentice, but I love them all. I just finished The Union Quilters so that one's fresh in my mind.

  35. I like all of her books, but I especially liked The Giving Quilt. Would love to win this book.

  36. My favorite Jennifer C. book is always the last one I read. I finished "The Aloha Quilt" a few weeks ago, but then I read "The Union Quilters." I enjoyed both very much. And for those who haven't read both, they're set in different locales and different eras. Both are very entertaining. Thanks for the giveaway, Lori.

  37. I have read every book that Jennifer has written and would have a hard time picking a favorite. I would love to win, thanks for the opportunity!

    1. I have no way of contacting you as there is no email attached to this profile.

  38. I really liked the first book...and all of them that followed it! LOL Thanks for the fun!

  39. I love them all! I look forward to each book as it comes out. My favorite has to be the one that started my love of Elm Creek books... Quilter's Apprentice.

  40. I've so enjoyed all the Elm Creek books - I started with the Quilter's Apprentice, a present from my Mum.

  41. I recently read The Union Quilters and loved it, so maybe it is my favorite. I haven't read too many of her books and just now I looked up her web site and was surprised to see how many books she has written. I think I'll try to read all her books and the companion would be very handy to have. I always get characters confused and sometimes will write myself a note with their names and relationships.

  42. I was gifted with The Aloha Quilt and really enjoyed it, thanks for the chance to win.

  43. I loved The Apprentice as it was the starting point for all these charming stories. I love how these women care for each other so selflessly.

    1. I have no way of contacting you.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yay, it is fixed and I didn't even know it didn't work! Thanks, Susan

  44. I have read all of the Elm Creek but the Union Quilters was so good. I learned so much about the difficult times that faced our ancestors. Fascinating. Thank you for the chance to win this book.

  45. This looks interesting and would go great with the rest of my quilty library!

  46. I always enjoy new inspiration and information, and I'd love to win this book!
    Thanks ~ Jeanne

  47. I am in desperate need f a companion....after all I turned 60 this year and can't keep track of my own children! :)

  48. I thought I commented before but can't see that I did (so forgive me if this is a duplicate). I've read all of the books (I think) and enjoyed each one. Don't think I could pick a favorite--it's always the one I'm reading. Suggested this series to my mother-in-law, and she's been tearing through them in record speed. (I'm going to have to come up with a new series for her after Christmas!). Thanks for the chance to win!

  49. my first book was the Quilters apprentice, which I read while recovering from a hospital stay. I'd LOVE to see this book. If I win, I will pay the postage to England XX

  50. Hi from France! I have read quite all the Elm Creek books and have loved them all. Maybe the Aloha quilt is my prefered because it takes place in a paradisiac island . I would love to win, thanks for the chance if it's opened to international readers.

  51. would love to win this book. Love looking at your blog.

  52. I haven't been able to keep up with every book in the series, but this one sounds like another great book. Would love to win a copy.

  53. I really liked the Quilter's Apprentice. Thank you so much for the chance to win what appears to be a really nice book. I love your blog and your new thanksgiving quilt!


  54. ohh, I was just looking at this book. I love the stories of the Elm Creek Quilters. Probably my favorite book was The Sugar Camp Quilt. Riveting story!

  55. Lovely book! I'd love the chance to use it.

  56. I love the Elm Creek Quilters books. I loved Sylvia ... I felt like I really came to know her through the novels.

  57. Thanks for the give - away. Love the Elm Creek books ............. Union Quilters was the first one I read.

  58. I love the Elm Creek novels. The Aloha Quilt is my favorite.

  59. I would love to own this. I gave yet to read a quilt novel.

  60. So far, I've only read one of her books, the Quilter's Apprentice, which I really enjoyed.

  61. I started reading the Elm Creek series, with the Sugar Camp Quilt which is my favorite. I back tracked until the next book was released. The Giving Quilt is on my coffee table waiting for me to have the time to sit down and dive in. Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway. Happy Thanksgiving!

  62. Thanks for this giveaway!! I love all the Elm Creek Books and am hoping there are more to come. I can't really say which was my most favorite though. It would be great to have this after reading them all, and would make a lovely birthday present for me too since my birthday is today lol.

    1. Happy birthday Nancy!! There is no email when I click on your name so I have no way of contacting you if you win.

  63. siento no poder leer estos libros, pienso que no esta traducidos al espaƱol
    que pena

  64. My favourite book is the first. It introduced me to these wonderful ladies. I'm not caught up reading them all yet. I have made "Sylvia's Bridal Sampler" and I'm currently working on "The loyal Union sampler" in halloween fabrics. So much fun.

    1. You are a no reply blogger and no email is associated with your comment. :(

  65. Isn't that winding ways quilt in the book so pretty....low that pattern, Ihave made several but still want to do one in red and white.

    Thanks for the chance to win :0)

    Happy Sewing

  66. Lori, this sounds so enticing, what a wonderful giveaway!! Unfortunately, i have only read the first book and i was completely enthralled by the characters & the story line... LOVED it!!
    I am currently reading 'Mrs Lincoln's dressmaker' and loving it too!!
    Jennifer's writing style is delightfully descriptive and engaging.. once you start reading one of her books.. you can't put it down :))) cheers... Marian

  67. I'm a new follower so haven't read any of the books, but I would love to win it. I happened to pick up a donation of fabric samples today and your Juniper Flats quilt looks like the perfect project for them. Please put my name in the hat for the drawing for this book. I'm an avid reader (my Kindle has over 800 books on it) and would love to add this to my library.

    1. is my e-mail... though you should be able to contact me through Google.

  68. I've read all of the Elm Creek books and I'd love to add this one to my collection. Thanks, Lori.

  69. Hmm, I was sure I already commented, but I cannot find it anywhere! So I'll try again.

    I've read the first 6 Elm Creek books so far and my favorite is The Quilter's Apprentice. That is the only one I've read several times. I just love it. It is also the reason I've finally started quilting after years of drooling over quiltbooks.

  70. Oooo..Juniper Flats is beautiful. I would like to win. I love to combine reading w/ quilting.

  71. I'm reading them totally out of order with the latest being A Quilter's Holiday. I really enjoyed the idea of the day after Thanksgiving, now known as "Black Friday" in the US, being a day of relaxed quilting with friends, with the emphasis on doing for others instead of getting the best deal. Looking forward to instituting that as a tradition in my house! Thanks for the giveaway!

  72. Love the Elm Creek books and the quilt book is just so lovely! Thanks for the give away-and the chance to win.

  73. What a beautiful and helpful book. Good idea to give a reference so you can remember who's who!
    My email is

  74. I listen to the books while I sew. Right now I'm listening to Aloha Quilts. The one I'm listen to is always my favorite. :)

  75. I've enjoyed reading the Elm Creek books --- they seem to hark back to a simpler time. In reality, I know they had problems and issues to deal with --- but I still think life was a bit slower. I sometimes envy that. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book --- it looks wonderful.

  76. My daughter and I both collect these books. We take turns buying them for each other. Enjoy them all. I remember listening to Underground Railroad on tape while quilting on the Gammill. Thanks for the opportunity.

  77. Jennifer's books are great reads and I have read them all, except the last one and just haven't had time to read that one yet. I really liked Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker. Love reading I would love to win the Elm Creek Companion. I love books with samplers.

  78. I really would like the to win the book. I really like making the little quilts that you share with us.

    1. You are a no reply blogger and no email is associated with your comment. :(

  79. Sylvia is my favorite character, but I do love all of the characters in Jennifer's books. Thanks for the chance to win,

  80. i am luvin all those traditional quilts! thx for a chance to win!

  81. Hello Lori, would love this book too even though I haven't started to read the series of Elm Creek quilts yet. Thanks for the chance to win.

  82. I would love to win this book, as it is one of the few I don't have. Thanks for the draw.

    1. Edie, I am not seeing any email associated with this comment. :(

  83. I loved the Runaway Quilt, what a great read

  84. Quilter, I am not seeing any email associated with this comment.

  85. Round Robin was my favorite. Thanks.

  86. Would love to win the book. Love her novels!

  87. My sisters and I have read all the books in the series, and have shared back and forth. So I guess I would have to share this book with them also! :)


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