
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sally Post Half a Quilt and Hanging Sleeve

Here is half of my Sally Post quilt. I thought I was cruisin' right along to the end, but once I got this together I needed a break. I think I have about 8 blocks to applique on the other half. I'm thrilled as can be!

Ok, a few weeks ago I added a hanging sleeve on a quilt and thought I'd show you how I did it. Someone probably has a better way- if so, I'd love to see it!
 I was ready to add my binding and knew it would save me a little sewing if I did them both at once. I measured my top and subtracted about 2". I don't want it to get sewn in on the sides. I'm not sure if there is a 'standard" width, but the quilt is only 42" square and didn't think it needed to be too wide. I ironed a small seam in twice on each end and hemmed with the machine with matching thread.

I ironed it wrong sides together and lined up the raw edges (of the quilt and sleeve) and pinned heavily so it wouldn't move around. Then I added my binding to the front as usual, making sure to catch in the sleeve on the raw edge.

 As I was hand sewing my binding down, I also sewed the bottom of the sleeve to the back making sure not to go all the way to the front of the quilt.
Unplanned, but you can hardly tell there is a sleeve.


  1. The applique quilt is coming along beautifully! I do my sleeves exactly the same way as you showed. I must say, mine do not match the back of the quilt though. I'm seriously impressed with how that came out, even it you say it was unplanned!

  2. Me too, I do it the exact same way.

  3. Pretty, pretty applique!!! Clever way to do a sleeve - I usually don't do sleeves - so this was informative for me!


  4. Sally is looking great. She's still on my list of "must dos."

  5. That Sally Post quilt always makes me smile--so fresh and pretty!
    I don't usually do sleeves, either, but I was intrigued by how well your "unplanned" match worked out! : )

  6. sally precioso,
    la manga, la hago de la misma forma
    tengo preparado para hacer mi sally próximo año

  7. I've been a lazy sleever - pinning them on at home for quick hangs. Your turned out great. Sally is looking good. Sashing colors are perfect.

  8. Oh Lori....Sally is looking fantastic!! All my blocks have been done and you have now given me the inspiration to start putting it together! Thanks!!

  9. That's the way I do my hanging sleeves. I think it works fine. Since both of us do it that way, it must be right, eh? (smile) Your Sally Post looks great!!

  10. Your Sally Post is just gorgeous! Wonderful work with it! Great hanging sleeve too. It looks good!

  11. That's exactly the same way I do my hanging sleeves.

  12. Your half a quilt looks wonderful! Pink and red with applique - a lovely combination :0) Your invisible sleeve is great! I don't hang many quilts so I'm a lazy sleever too. ( I love the way Dawn put that!!)

  13. Half a Sally Post quilt is beautiful! What will a whole one be?? Funny how unplanned things just happen!

  14. Beautiful quilt Lori - and that is how I do most of my sleeves at well -- isn't it awesome how the pattern matched ! Cool....

  15. That is how I do sleeves too.
    I love your Sally Post quilt, or should I say half quilt? ;) That is going to be another big beautiful quilt.

  16. Your Sally Post looks great! I make my sleeves the same way, incorporating them into the binding.

  17. Your Sally Post quilt is absolutely stunning!!! I love this, Lori.

  18. I'm in love with your Sally quilt. That is such a winning color combination!
    I use the AQS method (it's on their website) for my sleeves. It has a bevel so it doesn't distort the quilt when its on a rod. I love when they match the back and can hardly be seen.

  19. I have two blocks left for my Sally Post. Right now I can't stir enough enthusiasm to do those last two though the parts for them are ready.

  20. That's how I have been attaching sleeves to my quilts. I don't care if they match because they shouldn't show! I LOVE your Sally Post blocks. I still think I'd like to make the quilt so hold onto the patterns/templates for me, please.


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