
Friday, November 15, 2013

New Low-Tech Design Wall

Ever since we have moved into this house (1997) I had a piece of batting held with tacks on my sewing room wall for my design center. My sewing room is a small bedroom so I am limited by space but I found another low-tech way to replace my drooping design batting that will fit in the same spot.
I looked at insulation board at Home Depot and thought I could only purchase it as a 4'x8', which I would have had to cut. Look what I found! Sheets that are 4' x2' that are 1/2 thick. If I would have known that I could have purchased these months ago as they would have fit in my car. They are extremely lightweight too.
I taped them together so my piece is now 48" x 48".  (Use your imagination on this next part- no photos) I used spray adhesive on the board to adhere a large piece of batting to it and used a commercial stapler to hold the batting to the back. 
My husband used screws to hold it into the wall. That didn't work that well cause my batting was twisting as he was screwing it into the wall. (see left lower corner) So he ended up attaching it with a nail gun.

It is 1/2" thick so I can easily hold pieces with a pin too!  So far I am liking it and know it will be so much better.
Now go back up to the previous photo.... There's more of my Sally Post blocks. I'm hoping to get more sashing and cornerstones done this weekend.

PS, I've joined a health challenge! Will you come along this journey with me for the next 6 weeks? It's called the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge. Check it out!

PSS Several commenters are no -reply blogger on my last post.  I've replied directly online if that is the case. Go back to that post and look in the comment section to see if you are one of them. Email me and we can make a change to your status.
Have you commented to win the Jennifer Chiaverini Book? What are you waiting for!? Do it now!!

Have a fantastic weekend!


  1. What do you mean low tech? That is my design wall (except I used the bigger boards) and I consider it state-of-the-art! *LOL*
    I just finished (as in yesterday) a health challenge on "beautythatmoves" blog, doing a 30 day vegan whole foods diet. I think I will pass on this one, thanks. : )
    I didn't sign up for the giveaway because I just won that book on Mrs. Goodneedle's blog.

  2. You and Janet are way ahead of me. I will be at Home Depot tomorrow. Thanks ladies!

  3. Great design wall! Your Sally Post blocks are very pretty. Great colors. Happy Friday!

  4. I'm using the same sort of insulation and wrote about it awhile back...however, I have a pick-um-up truck so I can transport full sheets! They cut great, I've cut them and moved them around and redesigned them according to my nomadic quilting ways. I covered mine in felt yardage purchased with discount coupons from the "J" store.

  5. I used the Sound Board from Home Depot for mine. Yes, when my DH put screws in, it twisted the fabric, too. I got my copy of the Elm Creek Book in the mail yesterday. It's GOOD!

  6. Love the idea of using the smaller pieces of insulation board. Mine (before we sold our house) was the huge pieces of Styrofoam and it was sooo unwieldy!

  7. Very nice idea. My design wall is even cheaper. I got one of those 99 cent vinyl table cloths with the felt on the back side and use it . LOL It has flannel so everything sticks to it..

  8. Great idea. I need to find space on my 7 x 8 room to do a design wall. LOL...right.

    Thanks for sharing.

  9. I was interested to know how you covered your board, as I am just about to do the same thing. There was a big sheet leftover from the recent reno.
    I have white flannel for the cover and plan to draw a grid on it with Sharpie pen.

  10. Great design wall. At the house I had a flannel backed table cloth. My plan was a huge design wall just outside the sewing room. With the move that did not happen. I did get a sheet of the pink insulation to do my layout for the quilt show in September. I planned to cut it down a bit and cover it in Batting and hang it. It has to go behind the door, not ideal, but a place to work anyway.
    Love the work in progress on your new wall too!!!

  11. Your design wall looks a lot more functional than mine! Great idea.:)

  12. This is for future reference. Instead of a nail gun, try the following: In the electrical section of Lowes, they sell pre-punched small metal plates. I have no idea what they're called. I was able to screw the plate into the back of my core board with small screws, leaving part of the plate extending out. Then I screwed the upper portion of the plate into the wall. The core board can easily be cut with a carpet knife if you ever need to re-size a large piece. Happy sewing!

  13. Love your design wall - what sort of batting did you use to cover Iit with? Your Sally Post is looking very pretty.

  14. I've never put up a design wall so did enjoy how you made one...perhaps in my future?

  15. my design wall is two 4' x 8' pieces of foil backed insulation board covered with batting. We used duct tape to hinge the boards, and to tape down the batting - not the ordinary grey color, but a beautiful bright turquoise. This was originally used as a portable design surface in several rooms in our house, but now that I am permanently in one room, we've fixed it on the wall with Command picture hanging hooks. I used an entire package of the heavy weight ones, and it's holding up nicely. And best of all, NO holes in the plaster wall !!

  16. I have the ultimate, low-tech and cheap design wall. I'm an Army wife and we move all the time. At this house, I took some of the empty cardboard boxes and cut them open and then removed the flaps. Voila, long strips of cardboard. I took a 40% off coupon to the fabric store and bought a roll of batting. I cut it into wide enough strips and wrapped it around the cardboard and used masking tape to tape it on the back. I did 3-4 strips and nailed them up on my wall. I think I spent a total of $6 for the whole thing. The great thing, when I next move I can just toss it and not really be out anything. I'll be doing somthing like yours, though, when we have our "forever" house.

  17. Thanks for the great design wall tutorial...must go to Home Depot for some quilting supplies! :)
    Your Sally Post blocks look wonderful. I love applique!

  18. yay! I have to make a new one for my new room. I use flannel - do you think batting works better? Is it easy to roller lint the threads off?
    I miss mine and can't wait to get a new one in place!
    yours looks great!!

  19. Congratulations on winning the Civil War scraps from the Busy Thimble drawing, I'm so jealous, LOL! but I know that you will put them to good use!


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