
Monday, November 18, 2013

Iron Clean Review and Quilting

 I've finished hand quilting all the motifs on my Cherry Tree quilt! I have two blocks to quilt around the applique shapes then it is on to the background. (Border outlining  will be later)

I wanted to do this review but felt I had to put in a quilting photo. So now onto the review:

I picked this up at the PJ sale a week ago. I usually use the goo but this looked so much easier.  Some wool seems to make a huge mess on my iron which can transfer to my cotton fabric so I like to keep my iron as clean as possible.


I'm afraid this gets zero stars!
Not even a little black on the sheet. I watched the video before to make sure I was doing it correctly. They made it look like magic. Mo magic at my house!

Not much sewing going on at my house today. My nephews son was sick and they asked if I'd watch him today. I'm surprised at how good he has been. I'm really out of practice and figured he'd know how to pull one over on me. lol


  1. I wasn't impressed with the iron cleaner either, although I did have brown on the wipe sheet. It still left the brown bits on the iron that I needed to get rid of. Glad to hear it wasn't just me somehow doing it wrong. :)

  2. Never seen the iron cleaner and I guess I won't look for it either! I usually use a dryer sheet to get fusible off of my iron...not sure if it would work for the wool residue or not, but you could try it!

  3. That is why I buy cheap irons, easier to get a new one, lol.
    Your nephew is so cute, hope he feels better. I am watching my grandson now, it sure is a lot of work and I don't even try to get anything done when he is here.


  4. Congratulations on your hand quilting! For the iron, my mother was cleaning it with white vinaigar on a cloth, rubbing the warm iron.

  5. Is there a right and wrong side to those iron cleaner sheets? I haven't tried them yet, but I have bought them.

  6. Oh my - is it possible it looks worse in the after photo? I like the goo too :0) I always love to see your progress on your Cherry tree quilt - the motifs are fun and whimsical.

  7. el acolchado precioso !!
    yo para limpiar la plancha uso estropajo de aluminio que no ralla
    ( otra forma de llamarlo nanas )

  8. Love the way you are quilting your cherry tree quilt! Love the randomly place motifs. It seems most quilters outline the applique throughout the quilt and then add the background quilting. That seems so scary to me, I just finish each block starting in the center of the quilt since I use a hoop. So interesting to see why and how others quilt.

  9. Your Cherry Trees is looking great. I am so envious . Mine is still in the box.

  10. I'm glad you put in a quilt photo! You are making great progress on BTCT! It takes me a couple of years to get a big quilt hand quilted. : )
    Too bad about the iron cleaner. I'd like to find something that does a good job, easily.
    That looks like a tough job to tend that cutie.

  11. I clean my iron with used dryer sheets. (I don't use dryer I have to ask around for someone to save me a few) Give it a try. At least it will be free :-)

  12. Your Cherry Tree is going to be an heirloom quilt. I love that you are hand quiltting it. Boy, that iron cleaner was a zero.

  13. What a cutie! I use the goo on my iron also. It's hard to believe that the iron cleaner didn't do anything.

  14. Dritz Iron-off takes most things off easily. Joann's should have smells when you use it but my Rowetas have been happy for years.....

  15. Boy, that is some great cleaner - NOT! What is goo? I use cleaner that was made by Rowenta and it works really well.

  16. thanks for the honest review!
    what a cutie your nephew is -
    congrats on getting so far on your quilting!

  17. Thanks for the review! Hopefully the company will give your money back.

  18. Thanks for the review. I am always getting stuff on my iron. I buy cheap ones so I can toss them. I have used the iron cleaner and it works well. I have to try the Mr Clean eraser tho....
    That little one is a cutie! Hope he feels better soon.

  19. Oh my…what a dud!! Glad to know how this worked out!
    LOVE seeing your quilting up close and soooo glad your
    babysitting is turning out so well. He is a sweetie pie!

  20. Cherry Tree quilt looks wonderful....iron, not so much. Thanks for the warning! Little nephew looks so sweet - hope you had a fun day with him.

  21. At first, I thought you had reversed the iron pictures in your blog post. What a bust on that cleaner. It was interesting reading the comments. I have never tried a drier sheet but will definitely keep that in mind. I have a tube of the gooey iron cleaner and dislike using it as it is messy. But it does work.


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