
Monday, November 11, 2013

Snowman Wool Applique

This project isn't a current project any longer, 'cause it's done!

Instead of using a large piece of expensive and pretty wool for the back I chose to use flannel, called woolies. It is a terrific substitute.
 I put two pieces right sides together.  If you are smarter than me, you could use one piece and fold it over and only have 3 sides to sew....duh!
  Sew around all four sides and trim the corners.
Make a slit on one fabric only. Make sure you slice it where your project will cover it up. As you can see, I wasn't concerned about a straight line.
Turn right sides out, push your corners out and press. Then applique your wool piece on top.

Ta-Da! Stand back and enjoy your handiwork!


  1. Oh, I like that idea!! Self binding!! Your snowmen are super cute!

  2. So, so cute!! And you have in completed to enjoy for the entire season. Thumbs up!!!!

  3. Very, very cute, Lori. Love your finishing idea(s).

  4. What a cute finish. Their faces are so playful! And self-binding...what could be better.

  5. Cute! Your home is going to be very festive this year!

  6. Very cute pattern. And your corners look great!

  7. que guapo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! me gusta
    y muy bien explicado gracias

  8. It looks so great! Love the red.

  9. Very cute! That sewing on 3 sides instead of 4 always escapes me until afterwards too :0)

  10. What a timely finish--and so fun!!
    Thanks for the hint on the backing. I'm sure it will come in handy. : )

  11. Sweet little snowmen. Thanks for the info about Woolies. I did a little web search and found a site currently with 36 colors/designs for sale, on sale (Fabric Depot). Looks like a practical version as an option to wool.

  12. What a sweet finish! It's so cute. Thank you for sharing the info on Woolies Flannel backing. Great idea.

  13. Super cute! Great idea to use flannel instead of wool for the body of your runner.

  14. so fun and cute!
    great way to finish it

  15. It's really sweet - what a fun thing to have around at Christmas time! Have loved looking around your blog - so full of colour and beauty. I shall visit again soon! xCathy

  16. Great finish. I've been saying I will get my wool projects done...never seems to happen.
    Yours are wonderful.


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