
Monday, June 23, 2014

Wool Appliqué

Looks like I'm in the wrong season again!
Wool appliqué is so portable that I like to have one or two projects ready to grab either for a road trip or evening stitching. This is a pattern by Cheri.
Here's another little project that will be a wool pincushion. Almost finished the stitching then will add a little embroidered stem.

The sale went well! Not as busy as we would have liked, but sold a lot and shouldn't have a problem getting the rest out of storage before the end of the month. 

I've been rearranging to make a little room for a bit of my father in laws and mother's things. I've rearranged wall photos and art. Do you know how long that takes me to do? I'm not sure if I'm still happy with the end result. 
Remove art/photos/quilts/cross stitch. 
Fill nail holes with dap. 
Arrange new art on floor. 
Try and make it look good like on the floor, but put on wall.  
Remove art, 
fill holes, 

Happy Monday!


  1. Love your little Cheri quilt - good for you, doing things off season - you will be the one who has things finished In-season, instead of after, like me! Cute little pin cushion, too. Glad the sale went well, and I totally feel for ya on hanging those pics- I'm horrible at those things!

  2. That is a fun quilt and I have been thinking about going for Christmas soon, it comes up way too fast.


  3. You are just smarter than the rest of us who will be scrambling in December to try and get some holiday projects finished!
    I see the trusty stapler has been helping you with your wool. I am about out of my Lite Steam-A-Seam 2 and may have to give your method a try!

  4. Loving your quilt samples and watching what you are doing. I am glad the sale wasn't to bad & you sold stuff. You will do fine making room for the things you need & it will come out looking amazing. Happy Monday!

  5. When I hang things I use Sewing machine needles (small holes) and I like to use Command Strips too,you can get them at Lowe's or probably any hardware store. Have fun!

    1. I'll look for the command strips. Thanks Sally!

  6. I had a couple years where I worked on something Christmas at least once a month for the whole year. I like having a wool project ready to go to. Reminds me that I have none right now.

  7. this made me smile I always felt as if I was working in the wrong season or making a quilt years after everyone else made it….oh well….love the santa!
    good luck with the hanging up art, etc….always a chore for me too

  8. Love your woolies!!! That is funny about your wall art...hope you like it now!!

  9. Your woolies look great no matter what season. Good luck with hanging your art. Maybe you should try some command hooks. At least there would be no nail holes to fill.

  10. Love your two new projects. Who cares what season it is, when the woolies are this cute, you should be able to do them anytime. Good luck with your redecorating. Things always seem so simple in your mind's eye, but in reality, not so much.

  11. Two cute wool projects! I was thinking Command products too as I read your post, they have been mention already. Good luck with the rearranging!

  12. Love your new projects. I too love to have something ready to sew. I don't like wasting my time in Dr. waiting rooms or whatever but if I have something to sew it is alright! Good luck with the interior decorating session. I don't like either!! ;^)

  13. I am always stitching a season behind or ahead depending on your perspective, lol

  14. You're not in the wrong season, you're just more prepared than the rest of us are in your sewing prep for the holidays!

  15. Fun projects! I bought a kit in a quilt shop near Tri City OR for wool Christmas mitten ornaments and should get those prepped. We're going to look at a few more houses this week and hopefully make an offer on one.

  16. Love your little woolie projects! You're not off season, just way prepared for the seasons to come! I'm sloooowly working on that wool autumn project - never said which autumn it was for! :) I am horrible at the picture hanging/decorating stuff so it takes me FOREVER, or I just don't do it!

  17. great little prim pieces. Wish I could have been at the sale


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