
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

In No Particular Order

So much goes on during quilt week it is easy to want to get straight to the quilts! So that is what I'll do.
If you've been reading my blog for any length of time you know I love antique quilts, love the quirkiness and the humble way our ancestors made do.  So, since that is my favorite, I'll start there!
What's not to love about circular blocks? I wish I had a photo of the whole quilt.
There was a Saturday market going on during the show and I saw this lovely block there. Love the color and the pattern.
Loved the bow borders.  The next few have great borders as well!!

This is simple, but very effective. (narrow too!)

I'm not sure I've seen a pieced border like this on a log cabin quilt.
This gorgeous fabric was the backing of the log cabin. Isn't is beautiful?!

I can't say I've seen too many poison green and white quilts.

Great pattern and a vibrant old quilt.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Wow!! Show me more. How hot did it get? One of these years I will get there.

  2. Love them all. Do they sell on a website or just show?

  3. I have a friend who found a blanket box full of quilts that had been sealed away around 1890 when an addition was put onto the old log farmhouse. That red and green flower on the white with the simple striped border reminds me of 2 of the quilts she found.

  4. What a treat this morning!! Thanks Lori for sharing these. I

  5. Que maravilla para mis ojos y mi corazón!!!
    son preciosos
    log cabin y el verde me chiflan

  6. Love those zigzag borders! Thanks for sharing, Lori. I never tire of looking at antique quilts!

  7. Love them all especially the red, green and cheddar! :)

  8. I just love your antique quilt show from Sisters. I always look forward to the quirky, humble quilts you manage to find every year.:) Thanks so much for sharing with us!!

  9. Such beautiful quilts. I love the colors and the quilting. It is fun to see all the unexpected touches. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Thanks for sharing the pictures here. I do love the simplicity in antique quilts.

  11. Love the Old Quilts you shared. The Poison Green one has held it's color well. Some of them turned brown with time, right? Cool borders. Thanks for the close-ups. Will you replicate that Star?? I bet you do!

  12. WOW!! Love them all but ***LOVE***the green and white quilt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. When I see vintage and antique quilts I get giddy. Your pictures are lovely.

  14. Your sharing of all these lovely quilts is the next best thing to seeing them in person. Thanks for taking the time to bring them to us. The varieties of borders are so interesting to see, but that green + white quilt -- be still my heart !!

  15. How fun is that to get to admire all these up close and in person! Thank you for sharing the pictures of them! That zigzag border on the log cabin makes me smile!

  16. Love these beauties. I would be happy with anyone of them.

  17. Enjoyed the quilt show, always been taken by circular blocks in quilts, maybe the motion of the blocks.

  18. Wow - what a treat to see all those quilts - would have been very difficult to drag me away! Thanks for posting the pictures - love them all.

  19. I loved all those quilts and could have taken every one of them home.

  20. Does Claire has a blog? I've seen Randy's pictures now I've looked at yours ... wish I could see Claire's too. I never get tired of looking at quilts especially antique ones. And you take such great pictures. All beautiful. The first one (circle) and the last one are amazing. Thank you soooo much for sharing.

  21. I can always count on you for great vintage quilt photos!

  22. Great old quilts - thanks for sharing - I've looked at them several times and am now daydreaming of reproducing that last one!

  23. My favorite kind of quilts! Thanks for the show, always a treat!

  24. That poison green one is wonderful!! I think I like the one you bought the very best though...dense quilting and kind of quirky!

  25. Great pics - thank you! The quilting in the first one is so unusual; love the poison green and white; the pattern on the last one is fab.

  26. thanks for sharing these with us, a great way to start my day! I never get tired of seeing antique quilts, I see lots of inspiration here :)
    oh that zig zag border is interesting , the bow border is something i have wanted to try since I saw my first one years ago. The circle block is something I have been wanting to try lately
    along with a dresden plate quilt…
    thanks again

  27. wonderful inspiration from these antique quilts - thanks Lori
    Have fun!

  28. Thanks Lori - this was the perfect way to start my day! Love all of these old quilts - just gorgeous!

  29. Love them all! Thanks for sharing. Beautiful colors and workmanship.

  30. What great quilts! I love the zig baggy border! And the bow border.


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