
Monday, July 14, 2014

New Quilt and Winners!

Our first stop in Sisters on Saturday morning is the antique quilts!! They are saying this is their last show! 

I was obligated to purchase a quilt! A little worn, a little folk artsy. 

 I have been trying to get caught up on work, so I'm making a short post. I'll show more of this quilt later.

Now, without further ado the winners of my drawing........................................
The flag is going to Debbie Lou who wrote:

What a sweet giveaway! The highlight of my holiday was chatting with my son who's a Marine serving in Afghanistan. He is recovering from a severe injury and was able complete a job he hasn't been able to do for about 6 weeks. A great accomplishment. Thank you!

Debbie Lou, you are a no-reply commenter so please email me with your mailing address. God Bless all of our military serving, past and present!

I purchased this bag for my overseas commenters. Belarmina wrote:

felicidades por el gran numero de seguidores!!!!
tu blog es tan creativo.....

which loosely translates:
congratulations on the great number of followers!! 
your blog is so creative ..... 


Belarmina, please email me your mailing address.

I LOVED hearing about your 4th of July highlights. Thank you all for your overwhelming participation.


  1. You found a lovely quilt to bring home.
    If the antique quilts won't be there, what will you do for your first stop of the day in future years?
    Congrats to your winners!!

  2. I have always loved that pattern and those colors are great.

  3. Congratulations to the winners! Enjoy your presents!

  4. I am so excited! I have never won anything before so I'm doing a "Happy Dance". Thank you so much, Lori! l Love reading your blog and all that you share. Happy Quilting, everyone!!!

  5. Oh dear - the end of the antique quilt booth! I do like this one you brought home.

  6. Muchas gracias !!!!
    Estoy tan contenta de ser una de las ganadoras
    gracias por compartir tus maravillosos trabajos....

  7. I LOVE your new quilt!! That block takes on a whole new look with the addition of the red. I look forward to seeing more pictures of it! Sorry to hear the end of the antique quilts for sale at Sisters.

  8. What a great quilt. You always find the best antique quilts there.
    Congrats to the winners.

  9. They must be running out of Antique quilts to sell. This one is a Beauty! Congrats to the Winners. I love the Sister's Bag!

  10. What a marvelous old Basket quilt! I love every Basket quilt I see. :) Congrats to the lucky winners.

  11. Ah, too bad it's the antique booths last show! Love the lily quilt--just fabulous!

  12. Well, dang! If I'd known it was their last show, I would've gone back later in the day. When we passed by early in the morning, most of the quilts were still packed up.

  13. Your newest find is beautiful. I'm always in awe of all the quilting that women use to do.

  14. I'm sorry I didn't make it to Sisters, but we were so busy and it was so hot!

  15. A wonderful purchase, Lori! I like how the red is used around the lily instead of the background fabric. Unique.

  16. You sure found a beauty!! How do you ever choose which one comes home with you? Sad to hear it is the last year for the booth! I always enjoy seeing what you find there!


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