
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

It's July- Hip Hip Hooray!

Every year I post photos of my patriotic quilts and some decor. Independence Day in USA is my favorite holiday. 

This is what you see upon opening my front door. And if you are wondering about the quilt it was a quilt along that Randy and I did last year. Find it HERE.
 This was a quilt I made from my first ever block swap in 1997.
 Inspired by an antique string quilt. I only wish I would have made it larger. (2009)
Primitive 4 block eagle quilt. (2003)

Whenever I post this one it gets the most raves. My friend, Kat made that for me and it is tradition that it hangs here. It fits perfectly.

Here's another little collection that goes along with my Americana home.


  1. Love your quilts! I enjoy seeing them every year too. I like that ceramic piece with the heart!!

  2. Love your American theme and all your quilts. Looks great!

  3. I love them all, but especially the 13 star flag quilt that I copied. I miss my flag quilt this year.

  4. madre mía !!! son una joya, no sabría cual elegir,
    todos me gustan......
    pero me decido,
    el primero al abrirse tu puerta y ver esa preciosidad
    buen día

  5. I love your Primitive 4-Block Eagle quilt!

  6. Me precipite y no comente las cerámicas,
    otro de mis pasiones
    preciosas!!! blanco y azul
    en España tenemos grandes alfares y muchos donde la tradición es blanco y azul
    Muel (Zaragoza) es una escuela de cerámica importante a nivel mundial

  7. I love patriotic quilts and yours are Great! Thanx for sharing and have a safe and Happy 4th!!
    D.G. L

  8. What a wonderful display! The quilts all have that lovely vintage look to them. And I think your little flags in the blue glass bottles are so cute!

  9. Wonderful patriotic quilts !

  10. Red, white, and blue couldn't look any better together than they do in your home. The quilt you and Randy designed together is still in my UFO pile and hopefully will find its way to the done stack some time this year. I have all the ingredients--just need to get stitching.
    Have a safe holiday and weekend.

  11. Every quilt is awesome. I especially like the string quilt with the scalloped appliquéd border. The curves and the strings just seem to compliment each other. But your eagle quilt is so perfect. It's adding more temptation to my quilting list.

  12. I never tire seeing r/w/b patriotic quilts. Just lovely. I think my favorite is the strings, no, maybe the eagles, wait, the flag quilt. :-). I love them all! Happy 4th weekend to you!

  13. Your patriotic quilts are just gorgeous! Enjoy your holiday!

  14. I love how you decorate for the holidays. The eagle quilt is magnificent! I am drooling.:)

  15. What a treat to see your patriotic quilts on display! I'm stuck on them all... but keep going back to your 1997 block swap! I love the fabrics from back then as much as what is available to quilters today!
    Happy 4th!

  16. so festive and fun - I love all your quilts, especially the flag one - don't think i've seen it before. happy 4th of July!

  17. Beautiful quilts, every one of them. I do love the prim eagles. Funny thing, I woke up this morning thinking that I really need to finish the quilt along quilt. Maybe I can at least move it forward. Happy July

  18. Your display of patriotic quilts is lovely. I to love the 4th holiday but have not worked on a quilt for this event. I will just enjoy yours. Happy Fourth of July.

  19. Beautiful display of patriotism. I too love the patriotic quilts but have not created me any. I will just admire yours. Happy 4th of July.

  20. Really fun, and the quilts are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing the block swap star quilt, I really like that one. Happy 4th to you!

  21. Beautiful--you are inspiring me to decorate with r/w/b

  22. Love the decor! I feel at home...

  23. Your RWB quilts are spectacular, love the eagles, heck I love them all. Happy Birthday America, home of the free and the brave.

  24. Happy Fourth!!! Love that red, white and blue!

  25. So love seeing your RWB quilts. My fave is still the four block string star. It is fab.

  26. The eagle quilt is my most favorite of all you show followed by the string quilt. But all of them are oh so good.

  27. Great RW&B quilts! I love the one from the quilt along! Have a Happy 4th!

  28. great quilts. I love that stars and geese quilt xx

  29. The Quilt that Kat made for you is the one I like best. I don't decorate much for the 4th at my house. No one would see it. I'll hang my flag outside though. Happy 4th of July!

  30. Wow - your quilts are right after my own heart! What wonderful work you do Lori!

  31. Your quilts are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing....

  32. Love, love, love your 4th of July quilts -- it's impossible to pick a favorite. I may never make a big patriotic quilt, but you inspired me to make a doll version.

  33. Love the way you have decorated your home with your lovely quilts. Happy 4th of July!

  34. Happy 4th July!
    A lovely display of red, white and blue!


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