
Friday, July 11, 2014

Retreat Projects

I am managing to get a little sewing done.

Here is the last basket block from Wendy at Legends and Lace
And here are all 12 of mine.  I also worked on several applique blocks  that will be used in the same quilt as these but I'll have to show them to you next week. 
I finished block 7 of Benjamin Biggs.

Have a lovely weekend! I am having a much needed break with girlfriends. The Outdoor Sister's show is tomorrow and we leave Sunriver early. Our first stop is the antique quilts!


  1. Love the baskets. Have so much fun. Sisters is on my bucket list :).

  2. I love your baskets and your BB block is GORGEOUS...I predict another heirloom quilt in the making!! I hope you have lots of daughters!

  3. Such a wonderful thing to have sewing time like this. Look forward to hearing what inspires you at the show tomorrow.

  4. Your sewing retreat is going well. Are you going to the park tonight?

  5. Your basket blocks looks wonderful! The antique quilts - oh my would I ever love to see those!! Take pictures :0) and have a marvelous time!

  6. Madre mía!!!
    que maravillosas todas las cestas juntas
    sera un gran edredón!!!
    que pases un feliz fin de semana de costura

  7. Your blocks are beautiful...I should have signed up for those! You are going to have 2 beautiful quilts when they are finished! Enjoy your trip with friends!
    Terri in Texas

  8. Lovely new blocks! Sounds like a fantastic time ahead... enjoy!

  9. Both of these projects are gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Love your Baskets. DH poo pooed my thoughts of going to Sisters this year and DD #1 invited me to see a Friend portray a Nun in "The Sound of Music" at an outside amphitheater. Our Local Players are doing "Fiddler" tonight too. I guess Summer Musicals will suffice for the HOT weekend instead of a LONG Drive.

  11. I love that block, perfect fabric choices. I wish i could be there to see the antique quilts too! always enjoy your pictures from the booths! Glad your having fun with friends , much needed after these past few months.
    Have fun tomorrow!

  12. Your baskets are so pretty. I am looking forward to seeing he finished top.
    Don't forget to take lots of pictures at Sisters for us non-travelers. :) And enjoy every minute.

  13. Your BB block is lovely, I love your fabric choices

  14. I know you'll be having a fun weekend! Find something fantastic

  15. Your basket blocks make me smile. Looking forward to see what you are making to go with them. BB block looks great!
    Can't wait to see your photos from the antique quilt booth!

  16. Your basket blocks look excellent! The last block was so difficult, but super sweet. Enjoy looking at all that wonderful inspiration!

  17. Such sweet little baskets! Have a great time at Sisters - I know you will!

  18. Take lots of lots of pictures! Have lots of fun and buy lots of treasures!

  19. Enjoy your retreat time..perfect getaway with friends after the past few months! Such a great group of baskets! I love the "bright" fabrics - makes them so cheery. They'll look fabulous with your applique blocks too. Another beautiful Benjamin Biggs block too! Have fun at Sisters! You always share such lovely quilts from the show!

  20. Your basket blocks look antique. Well done.

    I know you have to be excited about going to the quilt show. I know I would be. I look forward to the pictures.

  21. All the baskets are so pretty - repro fabrics, my favourite!

  22. Looks like you had a productive retreat!

  23. I love looking at all your stuff. So pretty and all different. I could just stare and find something different and new each time. so glad you could get away and have a break with girlfriends. Enjoy Sister's this morning and have fun looking, buying, looking, and buying. Take lots of pictures and can't wait to see what is next.

  24. I drool every time I see your blocks and quilts! Looks like your enjoying your retreat!

  25. Every block a good one! I love how you combine fabrics!

  26. Love the basket blocks. I look forward each day ( well nearly ) to read what you are currently working on. :-)

  27. Your blocks look fabulous Lori. Have a great weekend.

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