
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Flags of American Revolution Quiltalong

This great old quilt doesn't have one flag in it, but because we are working on our center eagle I'd share this photo from the quilt index. 

Anna Catherine Hummel Markey Garnhart was known to have made at least 11 quilts including a crib quilt, a quilt owned by the Pioneer Museum in Oklahoma, and one still in a private collection. She lived her entire life in Frederick County, Maryland.

The month is winding down. How are you coming on your center eagle? Several of you have done the stars around the eagle too- no problem, I'll start mine soon. I do plan on putting 13 stars instead of 12 for the 13 original American Colonies.

If you are sewing along and do not have a blog send me a photo and I'll post it here. If you have a blog,  post your eagle center on Sept 1st. I thought Monday the 1st would be a great day to reveal our first month's work. 
I have a photo of Terry's block and DarLynn's block. 

Happy Tuesday! Fall is in the air here in Central Oregon. I'm having to wait for it to warm up a bit before going out on my early morning run. I'm always sad to see summer go, but this year I'm looking forward to fall more than usual.


  1. I have the eye left to do on the eagle. Had forgotten to do it. Will use wool for the eye.

  2. I love this antique inspiration quilt, especially the odd segment of green border at the top. It makes me wonder if all the border and all those blue leaves were once overdyed green, and the yellow is gone leaving the blue? My eagle is done, I m using a button later for his eye.


  3. A beautiful old quilt.
    What has you looking forward so much to Fall?

  4. I just received my book and right now my GS is looking at it (while enjoying the air conditioning in our camper.) :-) He leaves for college on Thursday and we plan to start sleeping in the house then. I would really like to make this quilt, but don't see how I can start it now. If I did do it, I might have to do it by machine appliqué. I don't think I would want to do needle turn on all those curves.

  5. My book arrived a few days ago and I haven't had time to start.... but... will try! I like the oolor scheme and will try to use as much stash as possible.

  6. I am still waiting for my book, unfortunately it is in customs. I would love to participate, am I too late?

  7. I got my Flag book the other day, what new, fun ideas. Thanks again for the tip on Bobbins Bargains, that was a great deal!!! I really like the eagle in the quilt above more fierce than the one in the book. I think I might try for one more like that. We shall see....

  8. Wish I could be quilting anything right now. :(

  9. great quilt along project - wow!
    hooray for fall - i'm ready


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