
Monday, August 25, 2014

Labor of Love

 I finished this shirt quilt this weekend and presented it last night. 

Quilt started HERE.  Continued HERE along with back story.

I finished the binding while out camping and thought it was a great setting for a photo.

It was a lot of mental work and was thrilled with the outcome and the reaction to this gift.


  1. Felicidades!!!
    Que gran homenaje al amigo
    la foto preciosa un marco ideal

  2. It was well worth the effort, ownderful finished Quilt, congratulations. I love it and have read the story about it.

  3. The blue quilt is my favorite. The blue setting fabric is such a good choice. I had forgotten the story about the shirts already having been donated and how you got them back. Such a good ending to the story.

  4. What a treasure...looks like you sure brought some joy with you sweet gift...

  5. I am sure it was well received! A wonderful memory quilt.

  6. Gorgeous! And what a special gift!

  7. I guess your story is I one of the reasons why we make quilts, it turned out beautiful.

  8. Truly gorgeous is what it is in & a blessing in so many ways. A labor of LOVE, from a wonderful & very special friend. A very special gift!

  9. It's a beautiful quilt and a wonderful story. Something really special to do for a family.

  10. I love the story--and the quilt turned out just great, Lori! I really like how you have mostly churn dash blocks, but a few others are scattered in there. I also love the mix of value placement. Makes the quilt so interesting. Nice job!

  11. Gorgeous!!! I LOVE shirt quilts and this is a masterpiece!

  12. Congratulations on finishing that quilt and pushing yourself through a very difficult time.
    Did she love it?
    By the way did her cancer return?

    Happy Sewing

  13. how wonderful! it embraces all that quilting is about!

  14. Lori, your quilt is beautiful! I'm sure it is are a special friend! I love the fabric and colors you selected....
    Terri in Texas

  15. Binding while camping on a quilt made from recycled shirts. You're a Pioneer! It looks great and I love the photos

  16. Lori,
    OOOOOHHHH, that was so nice and very Special!! Love the outdoor photo op. This is the best therapy for any one. Great Job!!!

  17. Beautiful! A real treasure for sure!

  18. YOU are such a wonderful person. Amazing labor of love. Such a touching story. Love the quilt too. Hugs to you, angel of compassion.

  19. What a beautiful classic quilt. And you are such a kind friend. Wonderful backstory! I wish I had saved shirts from both my parents--lol, pink oxford cloth with little RL horsies? But to be treasured.

  20. Wow, what a beautiful result. I'm so happy that those shirts found a happy home and will be treasured. That truly is a labor of love.

  21. What a great gift! Of course, I Love all the blues. It's kind of a shirt block quilt that doesn't really look like it wasn't made with a bunch of shirts (if that makes sense?!) Putting the blocks on point was a great idea too! cheers, cw

  22. I think it looks fantastic!! What a beautiful and meaningful gift!! I love the setting fabric :0)

  23. Well Done You!!! It looks great and obviously very well received.

  24. It is beautiful! I love the blues. What a wonderful quilt and it will be so loved.

  25. Wow, that turned out wonderful! What a precious gift.

  26. This quilt was quite a journey! It is absolutely beautiful! I am sure the family will treasure it and the memories it will bring!


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