
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Laura's Decor and More!

Laura is one of my blog readers and has offered to share her home decor and little quilts. I love taking a peak into other quilter's homes! I need to rearrange and decorate!

I'm loving this little red stool with patriotic little quilts.

I'm a fan of doilies, too.

Thank you Laura! Every time I look at  your photos I see something else. 

I hope you all are inspired like I am !


  1. I love Laura's pictures! She and I have a very similar style. I have the exact same spice rack as in the top photo (now I'm rethinking how I use it!) I also spied a little red child's chair--which I collect, and her studio looks wonderful, too! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love seeing how others display quilts. Thank you for sharing Laura's style.

  3. I like the spice rack being used for the quilt hanger. And the high chair and other chairs. Some unique ideas.

  4. I love all her ideas to display little quilts! Everything is just adorable.

  5. WONDERFUL!! And that sewing room!! I just want to grab a coffee and sit....

  6. Thanks for sharing these--love those little quilts!

  7. I feel recharged and ready with new ideas to decorate. Thanks for sharing.

  8. This is fun, al that lovely quilts in the house, I love it.

  9. cuantas buenas ideas!!!
    fotos para mirar mas de una vez
    gracias por compartir

  10. Thank you for sharing the wonderful eye inspiring to see how others display their quilts and collectibles.

  11. Laura has made some lovely quilts and I love how she decorates with them!! Thanks for sharing her pictures :0)

  12. What a great little quilt display. I might even be inspired to finish some of the ones I have lying in a heap on my closet floor. I love these little quilts, but I never seem to get the tops finished.

  13. Some wonderful little quilts, and some really fun decorating ideas! Would love to sit and stitch in that home!

  14. What an inspirational place to live! and I love her sewing room! Thanks for sharing!

  15. I love all her ideas to display little quilts!!
    Thanks for sharing,...

  16. I am inspired...that's a whole lot of quilted cuteness in one home! I need to get busy around here!
    Thanks for sharing.

  17. My two favorite sources of quilting inspiration -- quilt shows and quilters' homes. Thanks for sharing Laura's warm, cozy, and inviting home.

  18. Thank you for sharing Lori and Laura:) Wonderful home and little quilts, your home looks so inviting Laura! Shows the type of person you are, charming:)

  19. Thank you ladies for the wonderful inspiration...I've so many little quilts in progress and empty walls to fill...

  20. Lori, I have so enjoyed your sharing of other quilters and their decor. It is interesting to see how different all of our styles are. You must feel that we all overuse the word "inspirational", but that describes the ideas that I always get from you and now from your friends and readers. Thanks to Laura for sharing her little treasures. I keep going back to look at Laurie's quilts and decorating ideas. Thank you for all of your sharing...

    1. Marge, I am also so inspired by others quilts and decor.

  21. So beautiful! Laura has a great eye for decorating and quilts that are gorgeous and used very effectively. Thank you for sharing!

  22. After seeing all these great pictures yesterday, I was thrilled to find an identical spice rack at a yard sale this morning for $2. Needs to be cleaned up a bit - then I'll hang some quilts on it! Yay!

  23. Such cute quilts and other decor. Makes me want to go hang things and change other things around. Thanks for sharing.


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