
Friday, August 22, 2014

Makin' A List

Lists tend to keep me organized and summer is not my list making time. But, enough is enough!
I got backings and battings together for 5 little quilts. (You can see a corner peeking out under Santa) These are ready to baste!
I have the batting and Love More next to my machine and am figuring out if I have enough scraps to piece the back. I believe I do. 

I've had bits and pieces of purchases in different corners of my sewing room. I thought I'd snap a photo while I had some of them laying out. I'm happy to report I still love every new piece of fabric! And they are all put away.

I'm on the downhill slope to a big finish!! Woop! Woop! Have a lovely weekend. We are going camping!


  1. Oh, I like that Santa quilt. Very prim. Are these new quilts you have made or something you pulled out in your sewing room clean up.

  2. It always feels good to get some quilt basted! It means you are almost finished. I love little quilts!

  3. What a great way to wrap up summer! Enjoy

  4. Have a fun time camping! Back to school time and back to finishing up some WIPS!

  5. Relax over the weekend and then you'll be ready to finish these little guys up.

  6. Wow! You are getting so much each quilt! Have a great time camping, it is such fun to be outside!

  7. fun projects to finish - nice fabrics too!
    Sounds like you'll have a big reveal soon!!

  8. buen y divertido fin de semana !!!
    con las pilas cargadas, la costura ira rapida

  9. What lovely mini quilts! Have fun camping :0)

  10. Those are all beautiful little quilts and small ones are fun to make.


  11. You look pretty organized to me. Love the little quilts.

  12. love the little quilts especially the block on the left! hope your enjoying your weekend away
    nice fabric additions and can't wait for the big reveal !

  13. It is nice to have all your quilts ready to go! I hope you have a great weekend camping! It is wonderful to get away sometimes!

  14. What a lovely stack of little quilts. You ambitious woman, to do both sizes of Market Day! Love your Prim Santa!
    I just cleared away my stack of recent acquisitions this morning. Looks like we had one fabric in common. You have some beauties there. : )

  15. Pretty little pieces just waiting for your big finish. Can't wait to see what you finish first.

  16. You're really on a roll aren't you?! Hope the camping's going well.

  17. Love all the little quilts! Having them all basted and ready to go, you're almost done! Nice bunch of new fabrics too.


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