
Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Quilt for Christmas- Winner

Nyla was chosen from the Random number generator to win the Sandra Dallas book, A Quilt for Christmas. 

She wrote:
I have read the Persian Pickle Club and it was very good, I'm thinking I'd like this one even more! Hope you enjoy it!

Thank you all for entering and  Ivan for sending the book to review and giveaway! Please send me your mailing address Nyla.

Happy Sunday!

And because I cannot have a post without a photo here is one for your enjoyment.

PS, Julie, Me and My Stitches sent me more of the lovely Lancaster Blue fabric so the quilt I am making of Jill's can be bigger than little. Thank you Julie! XOXO


  1. LOVE that photo, any chance we will get to see the rest of that quilt?

  2. When I first saw the picture I thought maybe you were making a 7 sisters quilt and I thought no way could I resist joining you in making one. I love that pattern and one day... :0)

  3. I love the little quilt. Gorgeous colours.

  4. Very sweet of Julie to send you some fabric.
    We have joked with each other about having the same stash, so maybe I should check my closet and see if I have some to send. : )
    I recognize the print, but don't think I have it in that color.

  5. I ordered the book and it has arrived. Looking forward to reading it.


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