
Friday, November 7, 2014

Cascadia Quiltalong Mystery Part 1

Ah ha! Did you notice the added word in the title? This quiltalong will be a little mystery. There isn't a huge investment, the size is approximately 17" x19". If you aren't familiar with my little doll size quiltalongs you can look HERE. This will be number 10! I hope you are familiar enough to trust me, if not that's okay, you can always make it after the reveal.

A few weeks ago I mentioned getting into your 1 1/2" squares. This is what I'd like you to make using those squares.
Make 4 of these (not 2 as shown)
But I really want you to make 4 of these strips. I had a few half square triangles in my 1 1/2" bag, so I used them. Most of my prints are reproductions and I've repeated fabric so mine will not be a charm quilt. Feel free to do as you like. This would also be really cute in 30's prints or modern!

I make a lot of pairs, then pair them up and keep doing that until you have your strips. Strips will be 18 squares long.

Next Wednesday will be part 2. Is that enough time?

Last call to enter in my book giveaway. I've started to read it and I think it's going to be great! Enter HERE and I'll draw on Sunday. I'm taking it to Guatemala with me but I think it will be a quick read and I'll send it off as soon as I'm finished with it.

Happy weekend!


  1. Sounds like fun! Can't wait to get started!

  2. I totally trust you and I will be digging into my scrap basket this weekend. Thanks

  3. Yay! Let the fun begin! This may be the time for me to use my stack of 30s prints.

  4. will be fun to see how this develops. looks like scrappy fun!

  5. Love the tiny Hst's in the rows! I still have a bunch leftover from the last SAL I did. Thanks for another QAL. Have safe travels to Guatemala.

  6. I didn't know you were starting another quilt along! I never finished the last one, but that isn't stopping me from jumping in on this one! Thanks, Lori.

  7. I have done all of the SALs you have had since I started blogging. This would be number 7 for me. I think two of them are still flimsies. Not sure if I can pull this one off, but I am going to pretend it is doable and give it a try. : )

  8. This looks cute already, I've never done your QAL always follow along though. Hmmm Maybe since it's your 10th anniversary QAL I just might. Love that you found the Jewel picture for Jills blocks. Hope your mom is doing better

  9. This is right up my alley! I have a box full of 4 patches made from 1.5" squares--bring it on!!

  10. I think I'm really going to like Cascadia! I love the random hst's that you've included. I'm excited to go rummage through my bag of 1.5 inch squares. I like Barb's comment - looks like scrappy fun to me too :0)

  11. It looks adorable and so tempting. Nothing cuter than tiny postage stamps. I think i better resist and save this for a fun January project.


  12. Yay! Looks great already, as I love 1.5" squares! It's funny how similar your fabrics are to what I have in my 1.5" squares. Fun having it be a mystery this time too! Can't wait to start playing.

  13. This looks like a great project, I love scrappy quilts .

  14. Looks like fun! I have a bag of 1.5" squares somewhere!

  15. Oh yeah! A mystery doll quilt. I'm in. Yes, next Wednesday is enough time. I can't wait more than one week anyway, so I am happy with Wednesday lol. Thanks for doing this Lori.

  16. I am going to quilt along with this mystery Cascadia doll quilt.

  17. It's going to be another cute one! I'm in!

  18. Your sew alongs always intrigue me! Cannot wait to see what you cook up.

  19. OK! I think I can squeeze this in as I have tons (almost) of 1 1/2" squares and/or strips already. I'll have to wait until I get home on Thursday to start. While I've been away, I've been hand appliquéing my wool on the corners I made for the "Faithful" quilt, so maybe I can finish both of them at the same time. :-)

  20. Ooooo, a mystery! I love your colors so far.

  21. Ooh thank you Lori. I've been checking everyday to see when you were going to start. Got heaps of repro's. Should be fun!

  22. This looks like a lot of fun; I may even be able to sew along...I said no more mysteries this year as I have so many UFO's but a "dolly" dilly one would be so cute for my grand girls...hugs--am going to see what I have in 1.5" sqs--maybe none!! Julierose

  23. I love your quiltalongs! Love the little pieces! I finished part 1 yesterday. Look forward to part 2. Thanks.

  24. I just found this QA, and jumped right in. Clue 1 is done. Wednesday is plenty of time for me. Thanks!

  25. Ooh, I don't think I can resist :) I'm in!

  26. Thanks, Lori. I'm happy I can participate in this one. Don't remember ever doing a mystery before. I know I'll love it because I always love your quiltalongs.

  27. Blogger ate my original comment so I hope this isn't a duplicate!

    I haven't stitched with one of your quilt along before but it looks like fun!
    Off to cut lots of little squares. Thank you!

  28. I followed in link in another blog and found you this morning. I just happen to have some odds and ends of fabric left from a Comfort Quilt I was making this past weekend and thought it would be fun to try your quilt along. I love mystery novels and the idea of a mystery quilt along sounded like fun. Looking forward to clue #2 on Wednesday.

  29. Just found this little mystery quiltalong through Kathy's Quilts blog...I have no time to add another project, but I just might little quilts and I know it will be gorgeous. :)

  30. Thanks for the motivation, I am sure what we all need is another project! Just cannot resist!!
    Do you have a Flickr group or place we can share pics?

  31. Got my squares cut out today. I just couldn't resist.


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