
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Cascadia Finale and Reveal

If you are one of the three who have been following along with the Cascadia mystery , here it is!
Mine isn't all quilted but I did the binding prior to bringing it to Guatemala with me. 
 Here is the inspiration quilt. Isn't it adorable? I saw it on ebay and thought it would be a fun one to reproduce.
 If you haven't already,  trim the sides of your rows, leaving 1/4" seam allowance. (don't burn it like I did!)
 It doesn't really matter how wide it is, but mine finishes at 4 1/2". Your two rows may not finish exactly the same- that's okay!

One of my rows was a perfect fit but the one in the photo was not. I think it is because I sewed my edge triangles on wrong. No problem, I added a little strip to both ends. and sewed my rows together as shown in the top photo.
Here is one end with the addition of a muslin strip to make my row long enough.

I really don't think you would have noticed had I not told you. 
I hope you love your little quilt as much as I love mine. I think it is so charming!

You can see in the 2 photos above I'm stitching straight down the rows that are set on the diagonal and plan on quilting on the diagonal on the straight rows. 

I will do a linky party at a later date, since the holidays are here!


  1. How wonderful! I love it and hope to participate in your next mystery party. Great job. Can't wait to see them all. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. I love the way this turned out. I could not imagine what we would do with all those little squares!

  3. Oh my gosh Lori... I love it!! I need to get busy! Thank you for this little quilt and Happy Thanksgiving ....

  4. What a great, scrappy little quilt! Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Love it! Thanks for the fun mystery/quiltalong.

  6. Finished part 3 yesterday so I'm ready to sew it together. It's a fun little quilt. Thanks for sharing it with everyone.

  7. Gorgeous...a scrap happy quilt if ever there was one!! LOVE IT!! Thanks for sharing the pattern!

  8. I do love it! And the inspiration quilt is so cool too!
    I have all the pieces ready to put together and will try to be ready for the link up :)

  9. I will finish this last step tomorrow while the turkey is in the oven! Thanks for another great project.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Lori, and thanks for this lovely little quilt. My strips are ready and I will sew them into this lovely quilt today. Your 10th quilt along is my first with you...and I have really enjoyed it.

  11. I've been chomping at the bit waiting for the last step! Thanks so much for an adorable little quilt! I hope to have time today to put it together. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  12. Lori, I'm following along but am waaaay behind! The quilt is darling. Thank you for doing this for your blog readers!

  13. Dear Lori,
    this one is a cutie, love the scrappy look and the colors.

  14. Wow, this is super cute! I have enjoyed seeing the steps and trying to imagine the result. Great choice, thanks for sharing!

  15. That antique doll quilt is a little darling!! No wonder you wanted to reproduce it! I'm glad you thought to have us reproduce it too :0) I think both of my on point strips are too short so I will need coping strips for both. I am impressed that you are quilting it by hand with all the seams to go through - it will have such a lovely feel it will be worth it. Thanks for another FUN quiltalong Lori!

  16. precioso edredón !!!
    me gustan muchísimo los colores

  17. This has been so much fun. Am making two as I have a box full of 1.5" squares. Do I have your permission to put it up for sale at our quilt show next May? If so, any idea how to price it?

  18. Oh Lori, this quilt is wonderful. I've been piecing a few four-patch blocks as leaders and enders, but have so many things on the go for Christmas that I haven't had a chance to put the pieces together and finish the quilt. After seeing your finish, I'm excited to get back to it.

  19. Loved making this little quilt! My in-point strips are also too short....will deal with it! And will definitely join in again!

  20. Three people following along--very funny.
    I had to step back from this project after getting the first two steps cut. Reality came crashing in. Maybe I can get back to it after the holidays. It is such a fun quilt! Another great job, Lori.

  21. I am sure many are following the progress of this little mystery quilt if not sewing along! I am looking forward to working on mine this weekend. Happy Thanksgiving!

  22. Hello Lori !
    I am making it but I'm laaaate !!
    Well, I'm going to do all my best to finish it as soon as possible !
    Yours is so amazing ! Bravo :))

  23. Thanks Lori. It was fun following the mystery. I found when I measured my Seminole pieces measured 17.5" so if I took one row off the other sections the little quilt went together perfectly. I don't know if this will help others in completing their top but rather than add a couching strip this might be an alternative. Happy Thanksgiving to all American bloggers.

  24. I love your recreation of the old quilt. Just lovely.

  25. It's great, Lori! I'm still stitching my Seminoles, but am happy to know I'm in the home stretch. This little quilt has been a fun diversion. May your turkey be moist, laughter ringing off the rafters and blessings abound to you, your family and your readers this Thanksgiving!

  26. Very cute! The last step will be perfect for a little post-Thanksgiving sewing! Thank you for creating another fun sew-along, saving (and sharing) memories of a great old quilt in the process.

    Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!

  27. Absolutely love it Lori! Look forward to all the participants quilts!

  28. I kinda stretched my diagonal sections and they fit satisfactorily alongside the straight sections. Added borders, and I'm busy handquilting with the same plan as you suggested.
    Thank you for a fun little project. Happy Thanksgiving!

  29. I love this little quilt! I am way behind but hope to catch up and finish the top this weekend. Thanks for posting this! Happy Thanksgiving!

  30. I just stumbled across your blog - wanted to tell you I love this quilt! blessings, marlene

  31. Love it and I was ready! To make my rows all fit, I added a 5-square unit to both of the diagonal strips. The alternative, to remove one square from each of the 18 square straight rows would have taken more time. Everything fits nicely now--thanks for another great sew-along!

  32. LOL I think more than 3 of us are making this cutie! I LOVE your version, glad to see how you added coping strips, as my stuff never fits together.The inspiration quilt is adorable too, I d love to make another w/ my 30's fabrics.
    I am behind tho! I have to make one more star for Flags and cut/sew the triangles on the diagonal strips. I have to admit I am stumped about the ending bits, the triangles there, but I ll figure it out when I get to it.
    I sew on my dining table so I can look out at the beach and ocean while I work---but due to the hols, everything, all my sewing and folk arts stuff, has been put in the closet. Hope to get something done later but right now it s all COok! Clean! here---and pouring rain.

    back to the kitchen...



    Happy T-giving.

  33. I missed your mystery completely! But... having a lot of back and pelvic problems (I am on the mend!) this last year, machine sewing wasn't really my fort or comfortzone... It is a cute little quilt and I love your reproduction!

  34. Absolutely darling!! I have one of the on-point sections done and the other about halfway. Hopefully will get some sewing time this weekend. The antique inspiration piece is precious! Was fun doing this one as a little mystery! Thank you!

  35. LOVE it!! I didn't start this darling project - YET! I'm trying to finish up a couple of gifts and long-term UFOs first. Though I really, really, wanted to. :)
    Now, seeing the finish and the inspiration, I should have jumped right in! (Oh, and the mystery part did not factor in my decision to hold back)

  36. I guessed right on my layout post today. Thanks for the fun reveal.

  37. Great thanks Lori and I think there must be more than three following you! haha! Anyway my rows are all ready to sew together, then bind. Thanks alot! :-)

  38. That is a beautiful quilt and I do love the worn colors on t he original too.


  39. The original quilt is so cute no wonder you wanted to reproduce it. Do you think it is quilted? Maybe on both side of the diagonal strip only? I don't see any quilting. I finished part 3 on Monday and I had an idea that it would be put together that way .. then I thought maybe Lori has another section for us to do first. Loved this quilt along. Thank you so much.

  40. I love this quilt! I have a bag of scraps and 1.5" squares from jills scrap basket Barb sent me I am going to have to make this quilt with those fabrics. Thanks always love seeing your quilt alongs. Happy Thanksgiving! Kathie

  41. can't wait to see them all - Happy Thanksgiving!

  42. Gorgeous! The added muslin makes it all the vintage! :-) I hope to make one soon!

  43. The original is adorable. I like the fabrics and colors of your repro better!

  44. I am so excited to see the finish of this adorable quilt. This is my first QAL with you. I'm so glad I found you. I was able to do it because it was a mini. I love it. Thanks so much. I can't wait for the next QAL!

  45. It's very cute and charming, and has been so much fun to sew. I hope to finish up the top and get it ready for quilting tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing everybody's. Thanks for another great project!

  46. I finished sewing my top today and like one of your other readers, I removed one row from each of the 18 blocks and it all fit together perfectly. Thank you for such a fun little mystery and for making it easy to complete during this busy time.

  47. I loved this sew along, Lori, and I love the little quilt that resulted! Such fun to sew something that is done! Thanks so much for putting this together for us!

  48. I finished my top today! It is charming. :) I also had to add strips to the diagonal strip set but that is no biggie. Love it!

  49. Lori, thanks so much for the reveal, your little quilt is delightful!! This has been another fun SAL and I can't wait to get back to finishing my little quilt.. looking forward to joining in the linky party :)) cheers... Marian

  50. I am going to sew my top together today. I love it already!

  51. Thank you so much for this gorgeous design Lori. I have just this morning finished putting my top together and I love it. I had planned to give it away in a Secret Santa swap but didn't finish it in time so now it looks like I will get to keep it! I m not sorry about that at all.

  52. Do you have a pattern for sale for this beautiful quilt?

    1. If you do a search on my blog (upper left hand corner box) for Cascadia you will find it free on my blog!


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