
Monday, November 24, 2014

Color! Color!

Look at what these guys are packing around! I would have loved to jumped out of the van and see what kind of fabric they were bringing to this house. Click to enlarge if you can- they are carrying yards of fabric! We were out in the country, but I wonder if they only call on the nicer homes, like this one. Isn't the color of the house wonderful?

Look at this wonderful sunny yellow church.

How about this bright aqua/green medical center. (One of my favorite places to do our program)

Look at the color against the dry brown background. I love this picture.

On another note:
If you are interested in buttons for the Flags of American Revolution quilt, they are on Jan Patek's site! (thanks Lizzy) Click HERE.  I've ordered mine.
We will post our flag and sawtooth star blocks on December 1st. If you don't have a blog, send me a photo of your blocks.  I'm going to have to work hard to get my stars all appliqued, but I think I can do it. If we haven't seen your blocks from precious months we want to see them too!


  1. What an amazing place to visit and love the beautiful colors on the buildings.


  2. So were those door to door fabric salesmen? What a concept! : )
    Makes our buildings look pretty boring, doesn't it?

  3. Color! Our neighborhood trends toward the drab. I'm trying to wake it up with color. Hopefully others will follow suit. Something cheery just makes a girl smile.

  4. Thanks for sharing pictures from your trip. The colors are so cheerful!

  5. My favorite is the aqua house! Beautiful colors!

  6. Yes the colors are amazing. I wonder why vivid color is so popular in Central and South America? We are sort of drab around here, aren't we? :-)

  7. I love how colorful the buildings are! How would it be if here we had yellow and pink and turquoise skyscrapers! And the people are so colorful too.
    On close inspection the men seem to perhaps be carrying rugs!? Is there a tradition of rug making there? I d have been yelling "Stop the Car!"

    How did you communicate? Do you speak Spanish?

    Thanks for sharing your trip with us.

    lizzy at gone to the beach

  8. Beautiful buildings! Maybe it's all the sun makes them embrace those bold colors.
    Thanks for the postcard xx

  9. I would have had the same reaction as you! It looks like beautiful coloured fabric too. The houses are amazing. Why are we so shy to paint our houses like that?


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