
Monday, December 1, 2014

Flags of the American Revolution Month 4

Send me your photos if you do not have a blog- we want to see the blocks we haven't seen yet! 
Whiskey Rebellion was our block to do in November and it was a doozy!
And three pieced sawtooth star blocks.  The shadow in the photo makes mine look red but they are brown and black.

Here is Cathy's eagle block. Nice work!
And one of her sawtooth stars. Love that stripe! I wish I would have thought of that.

This is a close up of Terry's star. Lovely!
And although Terry didn't get the appliqued block complete she sewed all 5 sawtooth blocks.  Way to go Terry!
 Elaine is very close to being all caught up!
Elaine's flag blocks

For the month of December we will work on the crescents- these sew up very quickly so don't be overwhelmed.  Blocks 12- Fort Moultrie (liberty moon)  and Block 14- Crescents of South Carolina. Then at least get your backgrounds cut and your applique pieces prepped for 3 of the 5 Star and Moon setting blocks. Keep the blocks with you so you can take a few stitches when you find yourself waiting.


  1. Dear Lori,
    I see beautiful blocks, love them all. I still am so enthusiastic about the project. What a beautiful pattern and book.

  2. What fun it was to applique that eagle block :) Love seeing everyone's work.

  3. they look great - what a good eagle block!

  4. Oh, I do love these! What does one do when there isn't enough time to do all that one would want to do? I guess, hope that one lives long enough to do them later. Hee Hee! I do have the book, so maybe someday I will make this quilt. At least I am almost finished with Cascadia!

  5. Oh Oh…I like your stripe fabric Cathy!! Me too Lori, she had a great creative moment in fabric selection.
    Of course I like everyone's blocks and it's ALWAYS great seeing the differences!!
    I'm REALLY glad this darn white eagle/dove one is over!!!

  6. The second flag is made in wool isn'it ?
    Love the stars, specially the greens ! And like Ruth, I almost finished my Cascadia...just the binding to do ! :))
    Have a great day !

  7. So I ordered the "button kit" from Jan Patek quilts and guess what???
    The stars have no button holes or anyway to sew the "button" on. It is a button
    without holes? Just warning you if you want to save 20.00. I sure am disappointed!
    I will post my blocks later. Happy Sewing

  8. preciosos bloques!!!
    la estrella verde ......
    me gusta genial

  9. These are great blocks! Love to see all the progress.:)

  10. So much fun to see everyone's blocks! They all look great and so different!

  11. Everyone's blocks are great. With your leadership we are all steadily working along - it is so great to have this motivation and to see the subtle differences in how people interpret the blocks. My first quilt-along and I'm enjoying it so much! I couldn't wait for today - to find out what my December "homework" would be - thanks Lori!

  12. Very fun to see the various fabric choices!

  13. love the green blocks...there is something about the color and I am not a green person :) great work on everyone's part!

  14. Thanks for a fun project Lori! Great motivation, having your deadlines. I love seeing evryone's blocks, the show and tell here and linky to other blogs is very fun. Beautiful blocks from everyone! And so fast! We ll have Flags on our beds all quilted and bound by Flag Day! Or sooner.....[tho this dioesnt strike me as bed type of quilt, now that I am imagining that. lol.]

    lizzy at gone to the beach

  15. Great blocks! It is so fun to see all the different versions!


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