
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Jills Jewel Box Quilt

I'm sure you remember me telling telling you when my friend, Jill Reid died this spring. Her friend sent me a few of these blocks that were in her sewing room with a diagram of the blocks. I played with a setting for them on EQ and was so curious as to what her original intent may have been. 

 The fabric is Lancaster Blue, not purple as it may appear. 
I've made a few more 4 patches while looking and searching for the project. 
Just recently I ordered the New Jersey quilt documentation book from amazon. I know she had a lot of pages bookmarked in her state book. While browsing the book, look what I found! Bingo! I know this Jewel Box quilt with Lancaster Blue was what she had started and what I will finish. I also have some of the blue so will use it all and that will decide what size it will be.

Here's a poem that was shared at her inurnment.  Miss you a lot Jill!!

Feel no guilt in laughter; she’d know how much you care.

Feel no sorrow in a smile that she is not here to share.

You cannot grieve forever; she would not want you to.

She’d hope that you could carry on the way you always do.

So, talk about the good times and the way you showed you cared,
The days you spent together, all the happiness you shared.

Let memories surround you, a word someone may say will suddenly recapture a time, an hour, a day that brings her back as clearly as though she were still here, and fills you with the feeling that she is always near.

For if you keep those moments, you will never be apart
And she will live forever locked safely within your heart


  1. What a great way to find Jill's plan! Thanks so much for sharing the poem, it is a wonderful tribute to all quilters who have gone before us. I'll save it forever.

  2. It's wonderful that you found her plan / pattern! :)

  3. Awww, so glad you were able to find Jill's vision of that unfinished quilt. I can only shudder if I were to go and one of my friends found a project of mine and wanted to finish it. I also will save that poem, it has such meaning.

  4. It's going to be wonderful, so glad you found the quilt.

  5. Lori, what an amazing find and tribute! You're a Jewel!!

    By the way - Have I missed Benjamin Biggs block #11? In the past months they have been posted on Sentimental Stitches, but it hasn't come up yet. This is one quilt I am really enjoying doing!

    Thank you and God Bless!

  6. What a lovely poem. And, honestly...I'm jumping for joy for you and finding that pattern! I might have a little of that blue fabric, let me know if you need me to dig around for it!

  7. Wow! This is beautiful! Such a lovely tribute to your friend to finish this.

  8. Love the quilt and love the poem. Beautiful!!

  9. What a wonderful tribute to your friend Jill. So glad you found the pattern!

  10. A whisper amongst the pages of your book that brought joy and excitement to your day. Such beauty in so many ways. What a special treasure.

  11. Que gran homenaje !!!!
    suerte encontrar el proyecto que tu amiga ideo
    ¡¡el poema precioso!!

  12. That poem really says it well!
    I think that quilt is wonderful! I have never seen it with a blue background like that. I'm sure Jill is pleased that you have discovered her intent and will carry it out. Then what a memory of Jill that quilt will hold for you!

  13. That's so very touching. Finishing Jill's quilt will have special memories.

  14. Wow, I had to go find a tissue. It is so perfect that you found the quilt in the book that she was making. The quilt is going to be not only beautiful, but so meaningful. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful story.

  15. What a lovely blog tribute, and the quilt will be, too, when you finish it. I am so glad you found the pattern. Thanks for a feel-good post! Your friend would be happy about that, I'm sure.

  16. So pleased that both you and Barb received some of Jill's blocks as a sweet memory of her. Really glad to see that you both searched and found patterns to finish her quilts in the spirit she intended. Looking forward to seeing your finish!

  17. Lucky that you have some of the blue to make more blocks. And it was meant to be that you would find a picture that gave you the final clue as to what Jill intended with the blocks she was working.. She is smiling.

  18. What a wonderful poem and a fabulous glad you worked out her plan. Look forward to seeing it when it is done.

  19. Amazing you found that picture, Lori! We were thinking of you Saturday and wished you could have been with us. I have some of Jill's bear's paws blocks on my design wall and am trying to decide whether to sash them or just sew them together. I miss Jill so much and feel blessed to have inherited some of the blocks she made. She truly was my mentor!

  20. I have a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye. Lovely project Lori- how everyone misses Jill. Lots of people mentioned her at at Houston. She was loved and would be so pleased you are finishing her project.

  21. Lori, it was meant to be, I'm sure you were guided by Jill to find it. It's going to be a beautiful quilt, in her memory. So happy her blocks have found their way home to you and not discarded. Such a beautiful poem too. cheers, Marian

  22. Beautiful post! Beautiful tribute. Beautiful quilt. I am sure she guided you to the book so you can finish her quilt. Amazing.
    On a different note, I too am making a jewel box quilt but not constructing the blocks the way you do. I find your way very interesting. In the end, they both make the same pattern/quilt effect.

  23. I have a feeling that Jill guided you to that book. :)

  24. Oh, Lori, what a beautiful post, and such a special project honoring Jill. The blue background is really pretty. I love how you found the project! Meant to be!

  25. Be sure your friend really love your quilt in Heaven, with other angels.....

  26. How neat that you found "THE" quilt! The poem is really special and the quilt will be extra special.

  27. I'm so glad you found her plan! I didn't know anything about those blocks.
    Thanks for printing the poem. It was so beautiful to hear it at her service. I know you were there with us.

  28. Beautiful friendship, and beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing. And I love the blocks and looks like you will have another great memory not only while working on it, but with your finish.

  29. How wonderful that you found the "plan". I really like the blocks, and the colors used. As I looked intently at the fabrics I realized that I had a whole lot of those fabrics.
    It is so touching that you are keeping Jill's memory alive in working her projects and through your memories of her.

  30. beautiful post…yes I remember a few quilts made from the NJ book and she talked about a few more she wanted to make from it. The quilt will be special for you when you finish and look at it over the years. NIce that you were the recipient of this project.

  31. How wonderful you found it. Going to be beautiful and with such meaning to it.

  32. So glad that you found the original quilt. It will be very special to work on.:)

  33. Such a touching poem for you friend! I hope this journey with Jill's quilt will bring you comfort and closeness with your dear friend. Good job following her clues and finding the pattern. Love Jill's taste is quilts!
    Hugs Carri

  34. How great is it that the "Quilt Muses" guided you to find Jill's original plan for the blocks! I had finished a quilt of one of her designs shortly before hearing about her passing so was glad to know that I was able to share in the legacy she left through her design work. You are fortunate to be able to add another quilted page to the book of memories you will have of her.


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