
Friday, February 6, 2015

Stars in a Time Warp

I decide to jump in on Barbara Brackman's Stars in a Time Warp Series. She says, "Each post will be a lesson on reproduction fabrics in a particular style or color."

The pattern will remain the same each week, it is the fabric that will change. You can make one or as many as you want each week. Sawtooth Star is my favorite star and so are reproductions, so I thought I may as well join! I'm all caught up. I'll be making 2 a week. 

Turkey reds- week 1

Prussian Blues- week 2

Shirtings week 3

Chrome orange- week 4

That's it for me. Have an excellent weekend!


  1. fun! I'll enjoy watching your star production

  2. Beautiful star blocks! I'm with you on the Sawtooth Star and repro fabric love.

  3. Beautiful Lori! I especially LOVE your Prussian blues. Cyndi and I hope to get to the Prussian Blue exhibit at New England Quilt Museum this month. We'll post pictures if we do. Can't wait to see what you do with these stars!

  4. Great start! Beautiful stars and great fabric choices!

  5. The sawtooth star is my favorite star pattern too.

  6. these are great. how big are they?

  7. Estrella de medianoche (diente de sierra )
    una de mis favoritas
    tus telas son preciosas....
    buen fin de semana

  8. This is such a fun idea! I'm looking forward to seeing how the look of each star changes each week just by changing the fabric in an organized way like that!

  9. I'm still resisting this one, as per my resolutions, but it is a hard one to resist. I love these stars--that first cheddar one is my favorite!

  10. Hello Lori !
    Love your sawtooth stars !! They are so cute and I think it must be funny to do them !!
    It's my favourite star too......I'm going to read again the B.Brackman's book and see the quilt into it !
    Enjoy...... ;)

  11. Your stars look great! I love the repro prints you've used. I have been resisting this project so far...

  12. Such a beautiful stars.Love your fabric choice!

  13. I want to do that too, but haven't started yet. It's my favorite block as well and and be used for so many things. Great start!

  14. What's not to love with stars and repros! Yours look great! Will be a fun quilt in the end with all the different fabrics "documenting" the different fabric styles and time periods.

  15. Fun! I might have to jump in and catch up too! Thanks for sharing them.

  16. They look beautiful - you've picked some great fabrics! Will be interesting to see how they all go together..

  17. Love your fabric choices, gorgeous colors and prints.


  18. Love them , and that children print is so special!

  19. I'm doing it too. I have taken the fabric of the week out of my stash each week but I haven't got the stars made yet.
    How many will depend on the number of fabrics I have in each colour/type. I don't have many Prussian blues but I have quite a few of the " reds" and some Cheddar. It's lined up as the next project.

  20. You have a great CW stash to make your stars. Have fun with it! The idea of learning about all the different themes is a good thing.

  21. Your stars look great. Nice fabric choices :) Can't wait for next Wednesday!

  22. I'm using her posts as 'stash building info'. I don't have those Prussian blues, but I guess I could do 2 blocks a week like you are. Hmmm might have to jump in and make a few stars, this is such a great block. You can never go wrong with stars.
    Btw, yes, you can post about coming to RWS

  23. Love this! And what a great way to use up my reproduction fabrics - or at least make a dent

  24. I have been enjoying the various posts from people doing this QAL! It sounds like a perfect one for your stash.:)

  25. What a great idea! Thanks for suggesting it!

  26. I'm making these too - three a week. My favorite star paired with my favorite fabrics, a definite win!

  27. Ah I have a question but first your blocks are lovely!,
    Perhaps you remember the quilt you found while antiquing with Bonnie K Hunter?

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  30. I love your blocks! I haven't been able to start mine yet aside from pulling the fabrics. I haven't set a number per week that I'd like to make. You're off to a good start!

  31. I will look forward to seeing your blocks! Your Prussian blues are so pretty. It is such a fun block of the week! Maybe more and more people will post their blocks on Instagram too hint hint;). #starsinatimewarp

  32. What a great start. I should do it too....I have a large bag of blues and of reds. And of pinks and browns. Oh I better start sewing. Love your colors.

  33. All are lovely blocks. I am also doing this quilt along. My blocks are on the Civil War Quilts' Flickr page :)

  34. Ohhhhing love making stars...can I possibly add one more thing to my quilting plate?

  35. Lots of fun! I love all of your fabric choices.

  36. I haven't made any blocks, but I love reading the posts. Also, I love the background fabric you used in your red block.

  37. Your blocks are beautiful I love your Prussian blue. I wouldn't have the fabrics to follow along but I enjoy the posts and learn a lot

  38. Love those chrome blocks! This is an interesting challenge!


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