Thursday, May 1, 2014

Doll Quilt Swap Linky Party* Happy May Day!

The day I have been looking forward to!  Not everyone has a blog to link up but if your partner has one she can post it. (you can post two links if you need to)
Let's link up the blog post on  the quilt you received.

Here is my fantastic quilt all the way from Denmark
 The day I received this from Pia is also the day my son booked his flight to Denmark this summer. I wish I was going.
Look at this vibrant blue and madder backing. I love it! Thank you again Pia!!

Share the quilt you received! If you are still waiting, please let me know. The link will be open for a week. I can post photos as well like I have with my quiltalongs.
If you have questions for me, please be patient. I've been working a lot and not at the computer too much.


  1. Wow, the quilt you received is terrific! I'll make my linkup tonight--posting from the bus isn't ideal. Thanks again for the swap, I loved it!

  2. What a sweet little quilt. Love her unique label.

  3. I wish I had the time to join in on this fun. Thank you for reminding me that today is MAY DAY! Great job everyone! D.G. L

  4. What a lovely little quilt Pia sent you!! I love that backing fabric! I will enjoy seeing all the little quilts. Hope your husband is mending quickly!

  5. Love seeing the doll quilts! I had to make myself a Mini, while you and Janet O have been making them. They are addictive.

  6. felicidades !!! esa iniciativa es genial
    todos los minis son puna joya
    yo no me sume, tenia miedo no llegar a tiempo
    otra vez sera

  7. Glad you like it :-)
    I'm very happy with mine too.

  8. The quilt you received is darling. I'm not much of a "techy" and I had problems trying to do the linky...sorry! My newest post shows both the quilt I made and the one I received. To see them go to my blog:

  9. You got a great quilt, Lori. I love seeing what everyone received! : )

  10. They all look so great. Thanks for hosting this swap, it was fun!

  11. Your quilt is so pretty! Wonderful to have a sweet little quilt like that hanging around.:) Will be lovely to see all the doll quilts made.

  12. I am a participant and have sent you a pic of the doll quilt I received as I do not have a blog. If you didn't get it, please send me your email again and I will resend.
    Karen Dever

  13. So fun to see them all together! Thanks again Lori!

  14. What a great bunch of little doll quilts!! Each one of them is darn cute!

  15. Your doll quilt is so pretty. There are so many pretty fabrics in it! I am enjoying the link up - getting to see so many sweet doll quilts. Look at all the joy your spread around the world!!

  16. The program wouldn't allow the second link for the quilt I sent to Mary C.
    Thanks for organizing.

  17. Super array of quilts Lori and what a fun project they are all so different.

  18. I emailed two photos of the lovely little doll quilt I received. Hope you received it ok ;)
    I'm loving the doll quilt show on your blog!

  19. Beautiful quilts everyone -- thanks for sharing them!

  20. Lori, your quilt is delightful!! oh what eye candy, i love seeing everyone's quilts.. this was a fun swap :)) cheers... Marian

  21. I hadn't realized this many quilters participated in the swap -- what a treat to see them all together. Great job everyone! . . . and many thanks to you, Lori, for organizing the event.

  22. all the quilts i see are really nice. and i am going to spend some time tomorrow visiting everyone to learn more about them. thanks Lori.

  23. Thank you "Lori" for hosting this fun doll quilt swap. Love viewing everyone's quilts!


  24. Hi Lori! Would you please send me your email, I have a pic of the wonderful Doll quilt I received and a pic of the cute one I sent.
    All 3 of do not have a blog! Thx, Leslie Legros, Canada

  25. Even though I was not a participant, I have very much enjoyed seeing the small quilts and reading about them.

  26. WOW hard to believe that was 11 years ago!!


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