Friday, October 23, 2020

Quilt Guild Lectures

Reruns: Quilts Inspired by the Past

Good morning! I am sure looking forward to getting back to meeting in person with guilds! Even though there won't be hugs and handshakes, we'll be together!

My first opportunity to be at a guild meeting in person is next month in Salem, Oregon! 

November 24th at 6:30 PM  Ten Reasons I Quilt (click to learn more) 

November 25th at 9:30AM Reruns: Quilts inspired by the Past

Covid guidelines will be strictly followed. Your temperature will be taken at the door, preregistration is necessary to prevent more then 50 members, social distancing and masks required. $5 guest fee.  Even with all of the rules, we will still have fun!!

PS: I'm prepared to do lectures via Zoom as well!

Stay Home Save Lives 
10 Reasons I Quilt

My son couldn't find the missing emails, so he set me up a new email program (same address)
I have changed my settings so my blog comments are coming into my gmail, which seems to be more reliable. Thanks for your suggestions!

Much Love



  1. I’m so happy for you Lori !
    Have fun !

  2. Our guild's November meeting will have similar guidelines. We haven't met since February. It will be so nice to see everyone again.

  3. How fun that you are doing a guild presentation and high five to your son for giving your a work around.

  4. We are all longing for things we can do again, even with some restrictions. Meeting up with fellow quilters can be so therapeutic. I hope for you it will be possible to do your show & tell.

  5. I would love to attend your lecture! Is it at the Mid Valley Quilt Guild? I couldn't find anything on their web site. Please send me the info so I can sign up. Thanks!


Because the ridiculous amount of SPAM I have resorted to comment moderation.

I love to reply to comments or a question. If you are on I have no way of contacting you. Please leave an email address. If you need help changing the setting please email me.
If you want to comment feel free to send me an email as I would love to hear from you!