Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A Look Back Before Looking Forward to 2021

While scrolling through my blog to see what quilts I had actually completed for 2020 I was completely surprised at how many quilts I finished!! (most are small!)
Come along with me and take a look....

January: My friend had most of these blocks done, so I'd only say this was a 1/2 finish! LOL

February: basketweave

February: Streak of Lightning string quilt

 March: Apple Brown Betty for a swap
March: Spencer Museum Quilt by Jan Patek
April: Humble Quilt Swap

April: Starshine

May: Lockdown 2020

June: Swap Quilt
July: Freedom
August: Tiny Stitches (published in American Patchwork and Quilting) 
October: 50 Shade of Brown

November: Buhl Bushong designed and patterned by the VA Quilt Museum

November: Antique block challenge. 

Thanks so much for following my blog, making encouraging comments and building this awesome community of Humble Quilts!!
Love you all!  


  1. Wow, Fourteen and all wonderful! You are our inspiration.

  2. Very productive year and a lovely collection of quilts!

  3. Fantastic. Tiny Stitches really catches my eye. So many great finishes. You were very productive with your limited time in 2020. Plus you had some excellent hikes.

  4. Lori felicidades!! grande y preciosas obras ¡¡me encantan!!

  5. Wow! I think I made a lot of progress on quilts but few finishes. I need to look back to see for sure!
    The last finish was a doll quilt for a grandchild!

  6. What an amazing and beautiful year's work! Diverse and so interesting. And so many! I love the Neon Stars [size?], Freedom, Tiny House, and the Museum Sampler quilt---well, all, I guess. Inspiring!

  7. Thats it, I'm keeping a photo diary this year!
    Especially love your String Pieces!

  8. Wow!!! What a wonderful show, you are awesome Lori and I take inspiration from you!

  9. Just beautiful finishes for the year!! I personally love the "crows" one--just gorgeous work...
    hugs, Julierose

  10. What a lovely quilt show. All your quilts are beautiful.

  11. You made some wonderful quilts this year. The Buhl Bushong Quilt is especially beautiful!

  12. Such a wonderful variety of quilts! Your Buhl Bushong is such a beautiful quilt and really looks like an antique quilt! I love your little 50 shades of brown quilt and wanted to participate in that with you, but the timing didn’t’ work out for me to get it all together in time. I have a copy of the American Patchwork magazine and I will enjoy making the little pink quilt you have published in there! It has been sew much fun following your blog! Best wishes to you and your family for a Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you! Best wishes to you as well for a safe and happy 2021!

  13. These are all terrific but my favorite is your April swap quilt, wink wink;). Happy New Year Lori and thanks for the continual inspiration!

  14. What a great quilting year you have had! Each quilt is terrific! Looking forward to what you'll be making in 2021. Let's pray the New Year will be better for all of us! ---"Love"

  15. Wonderful finishes Lori, congratulations, very productive year 2020.

  16. So much to love here, Lori. I'd say you have had a good year in the quilting department.

  17. You are SEW productive! An inspiration! Thank you for this!


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