Friday, December 17, 2021

Winner! Winner!

 Commenter #8 was chosen from the random number generator for blog comments: 

Carolyn wrote:

Your quilt is adorable! Will you hand quilt it? I love Jo Morton, can never have enough of her fabrics! Wishing you and your family the happiest of holidays!

(To answer her question I told her I wasn't sure how my wrist would hold up, but I'm going to try and hand quilt it with the splint on to see how it goes. I'll let ya'll know!)

Thank you all for your positive and fun comments! After seeing the quilt online I noticed I had a "mistake!" Most of the time I keep them in, but because this was not even layered I did a quick fix last night!

Before. There should be a X across the quilt.

Oh yea, that's better. 

I used a bit of my recent monthly samplers for this little quilt. 

For those of you that have asked my daughter is back at work, still building strength back up after contracting Covid. Thankfully neither her or her boyfriend had to go to the ER or get admitted. 
The sale of the business has been a bit chaotic, and we are trying to support our niece in any way we can. I thought after the first week it wouldn't be so crazy, but we are now at the end of the second week the bugs are working out SLOWLY. 
We had our final Christmas employee party

Our Danish host brother Kristian has been in USA for a visit and he helped us decorate the tree, using our Danish flags and ornaments of course!

When we went out to get our tree we saw this flock of turkeys. It was so cool! This was only about half of them!!

I plan on taking a blog break. I'm working on a couple of ideas for Humble Quilts to explore after the new year. Have a wonderful Christmas, enjoying family and friends. 
May the new year bring you peace and happiness. 
Much love to you all!



  1. Congrats to the winner:))
    Enjoy your break and I wish you and yours
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. Enjoy your family and time over this holiday season. Many of us are doing the same. Wishing you a joyful holiday and we'll see you next year!

  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year..... hope the splint does not slow you down!

  4. I noticed the X wasn'r strong in your first version but couldn't discern why. It's even better now.

    Will miss you blog but look forward to what you share in the new year! Merry Chrstmas!



  5. Congratulations to the winner. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  6. Congratulations on winning
    Merry Christmas to all!

  7. Thank you so much! I'm so excited to play with your scraps!

  8. merry christmas to you and your family as well....thank you for all you do

  9. I'm sorry, I meant to say Jo Morton fabrics, not your scraps! It's been a rough week here and my brain is mush...

  10. Felicidades a las dos Carolyn.
    Preciosas fotos
    buen fin de semana

  11. Lovely quilt top, congratulations to the winner.

  12. I didn’t notice the turned blocks—I like the X but, funny to say, I liked it the other way too! Merry Christmas, Lori!

  13. I didn’t notice the turned blocks—I like the X but. funny to say, I liked it the other way too! Merry Christmas, Lori!

  14. Merry Christmas and best wishes to you and yours in the New Year! Enjoy your family time -looking forward to what you have in store for Humble Quilts! HUGS... and stitches

  15. Love your little quilt! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas with family and friends and looking forward to 2022!

  16. hey - I didn't finish my comment. lol
    cute little quilt! and tree too
    God Jul


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