Friday, June 16, 2023

Blog comments

Independence Day is coming so I thought this would be an appropriate quilt to share for this public service announcement post. 

I appreciate every single comment here on Humble Quilts! I try and respond but many are no reply commenters. Some I recognize and have your email. but many I don't and cannot respond.

I also know many have a hard time leaving comments. Below is a suggestion.

When you select a profile you have 3 options:
Google Account

For this post I'm showing Name/URL (hint: you don't need a url!)

Step 1- Select name/URL

Step 2- Where it asks for your name, put in your email address. (This will be seen so if you want to make one exclusively for blog comments I suggest making a gmail account for that) 
leave your comment- feel free to sign with your first name.

It should look similar to the above photo.
Step 3 hit Publish

I have to approve the comment and when I do it will look like this. I'll have your email address and you'll be able to easily comment.

You can also use the anonymous option but leave me your email in the comment so I know who it commenting!

That's my public service announcement for today!

I've added a few items to my Etsy shop and I will be closing it while I'm out of the country. If you order anything this weekend I'll get it out on Monday!
The link is HERE. Thanks!

Have a terrific weekend!



  1. I love George. I am thinking of doing another one. Enjoy The TRIP!!!

    1. Thanks! I wish I could find more of these panels!

    2. Happy 14 1/2 blog anniversary. Hopefully the next 14 1/2 are just as wonderful.

  2. Love your panel quilt! I'll be looking out for one! Safe travels Lori, have a great time!

  3. Thank you, Lori…for sharing your love of quilting with us, and for this opportunity to be a winner! Appreciate you and your talents! Enjoy your trip!

  4. Safe travels Lori. Thanks for the chance to win you give away.

  5. Congratulations on your 14 1/2 year Anniversary๐ŸŽ‰ So happy I found you! I have so enjoyed your classes and pattens. Looking forward to many more Jackie

  6. rnbfuhrman@comcast.netAugust 18, 2023 at 8:06 AM

    Congratulations on your 14.5 year Anniversary ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

  7. Tania.thewordshop@gmail.comAugust 18, 2023 at 2:02 PM

    Love the quilts, love the fabric! Hope your give away competition includes people from abroad! I’m inspired and would be delighted, nay ecstatic to win.

  8. I always enjoy your blog and facebook group. Many times of being inspired and love seeing the humble quilts.

  9. Janetquilt@comcast.netAugust 18, 2023 at 6:05 PM

    Love love your site, so many glorious options!

  10. I'm late to your column- only about 4 years- but I do enjoy it now. Congrats!


Because the ridiculous amount of SPAM I have resorted to comment moderation.

I love to reply to comments or a question. If you are on I have no way of contacting you. Please leave an email address. If you need help changing the setting please email me.
If you want to comment feel free to send me an email as I would love to hear from you!