Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Pillowcases Dresses and More

As I am preparing to go to Uganda I dug deep into the dresses you made for my last mission trip. 
I know I mentioned the schools we went to were so large it was hard to give them out. 

We are working with a Ugandan  nonprofit one of the days. This non profit helps vulnerable women and children. I'll know more about it and be able to share more when I return. I will give them dresses and let them distribute them when needed. These are the 25 dresses I am bringing. Maybe you recognize one you made! 

Isn't this pocket adorable?! Love that stitch!

I've been organizing my fabric! Yay! it will make sewing/quilting/finding fabric so much more efficient. More organizing= less sewing

Hubs and I got away for a quick overnighter backpacking trip. 
He'll be holding down the fort while I'm in Africa

It was really nice but lots of mosquitoes!

I hope you are having a lovely week. 



  1. I'm glad the dresses will be used. I remember how excited we were to make the dresses and contribute in a non-monetary way. Have a wonderful trip, I look forward to hearing about your adventures.

  2. Hope you will have a safe trip to Uganda, those dresses are adorable. I am sure you are going to make a few girls very happy over there!


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