Wednesday, June 26, 2024

RePOST: Antique Quilts of the British Isles

This is a repost from 2018 while I am away from home. Enjoy these AMAZING one of a kind quilts!

This was a special exhibit at the Houston Quilt Festival.

Fabric to die for!! Well, not quite, but you know what I mean.

Unbelievable fussy cutting!!

These are early, early quilts! WOW!

Humble, beautiful, spectacular border! Embrace the humble!!!

This only adds to the charm of the overall quilt, in my humble opinion. LOVE it so much!

 Look at these vibrant prints!

 Such whimsical applique shapes. Check out that appliqued star fabric!

Better than the label is his description. Wowser!! 

I love that he is working with Moda to reproduce some of these fabrics check it out HERE. 
 One of the booths I strolled through during festival was selling this sample of Ballycastle chintz backgrounds. 
Of course, they are so much more elegant in real life!

I hope your week is going well! I hope my week in Uganda is going well!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE paisleys and I LOVE reds so obviously I want them to reprint that first fabric!!!


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