Monday, January 13, 2025

Adventures- Looking Back 2024

 No quilts in this post, but a few of my adventure/travel photos. 

Laurie and I went to the Paducah Quilt Show and had a whirlwind trip in the area, including Nashville.

I was on my way to Tahiti on my birthday! 

I had an amazing mission trip to Uganda. 

We went to a new-to-us Hawaiian Island- Kauai

Beautiful hiking on the coast of Spain.


I had a little fun in Barcelona

This past summer we did a little popup shop!

Laurie and I went to the quilt show in Houston. 

And of course, I did a bit of hiking and backpacking this year!

Along with the good, my daughter was in a serious car accident and thankfully she is alive but still dealing with a head injury. I'm glad we are fairly close and have been able to help out when necessary.

It's been a good year!


  1. Great year! Glad your daughter is doing well. She has the miracle of youth on her side. Plus you!


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