Friday, March 14, 2025

Clark County Quilt Show

 I made it to another quilt show! So much inspiration! I went into Portland to help my daughter with some paperwork/errands/chores and because the show opened on Thursday and I was still in town I thought I may as well go! Quilts were good, vendors, not so much.

I hope you are inspired! I loved seeing more wool applique quilts again.

For a very traditional quilt I really liked the quilting, which seems more modern. 

Below are a few quilts from the Featured Quilter Gerrie Thompson

I feel like I liked her quilts the best!

A favorite of mine for sure!

This was at a vender booth and I thought it was a lovely way to use little photo panels! Great setting!

I always enjoy my time with family. 

Rene's partner is out of town on business so it works out great for me to stay with her. My son happened to be nearby for work and came over for dinner!  I've been ordering Hungryroot boxes with recipes and groceries and I love bringing simple meals to make and eat in. Seriously I enjoy this way more than going out. 

I recognize this quilt! LOL

It is springtime in the city!

Such a pretty church.

We went for a long walk Thursday morning while the weather was fair. 

We were laughing I could have fit in with a few other homeless folks nearby. 

On the way home I had rain, hail, snow and ta-da! beautiful blue skies with fresh snow coating the trees.  

I'm inspired and now I need to sew! Have a lovely weekend!

PS Laura Q you requested the Gwen Marston book but I do not have your shipping address and you do not seems to be responding to my email. Please contact me! Thank you


  1. Sally Langston WarrenMarch 14, 2025 at 5:47 AM

    Glad you had some precious family time! Thanks for sharing the quilts. Those first two were my favorites. I agree with you….the quilting on the hexagon quilt really elevates it to another level. The Fallout Shelter quilt is simply awesome. What a treasure! It belongs in a book like Unconventional and Unexpected.

  2. You seem to have so many quilt shows in your area. Not so many up here but I am going to the QA show today so that will be fun.

  3. Thanks for sharing all of the beautiful quilt pictures!

  4. Thank you for the eye candy. I love the layout for Not My Grandmother's Flower Garden. I also love the mini HST's in the border of the other quilt. Fun times.


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