I started cleaning my room this weekend and remembered I had purchased fabric last fall to make new curtains. Ta-Da! Here is the almost finished product. (still have to put a hem in them) I took the measurements off the ones I took down, which made them easier to put together. The old ones were starting to disintegrate!! It's a nice simple change.
I also got my sewing room cleaned up. I haven't really done any sewing since mid- March and all my stuff from my girlfriend's weekend away was still sitting in a pile. It feels great!!
We had nice sunny skies and I was also able to get a few weeds pulled too. I'm still feeling a bit under the weather, so it doesn't seem like I was as productive as I would have liked.
I hope you all had a great weekend.
Just catching up... like your curtains! It's so nice to get a project like that finished! I hope you are having a fun weekend this weekend and are feeling better!