Monday, June 24, 2019

Monday Muse from Ohio

I had such a fun few days!  Kathy and I took off early Saturday through the green and sunny countryside to Saegertown where the Quilt study group hosted my lecture. What a lovely group of ladies! The quilt I'm standing in front of belonged to Jill and was beautiful!
Kathy's friend Jim asked about my "speech" so Kat took a photo to send to him. I never excelled at toastmasters, but I do like to talk about quilts!! LOL

This was also her antique log cabin with cute handmade buttons on it!!!
It was very charming!

Then we were off to Transfer to meet with 2 guilds,  Pieceful Pursuits and Where the Corners Meet Guilds. Another terrific group of women and (1) man. 

It was fun to see my Jane Stickle quilt grace the alter!!

I asked them ahead of time to bring in any vintage or antique quilts and we'd share and talk about them. There were many and so lovely!!

Here is a lovely green and red applique quilt in an interesting pattern.
And this fun 1930's  fan quilted in green thread. 

Thank you all for attending and your kind and encouraging comments!! I have 2 more "speeches" Monday night and Tuesday night, then home on Wednesday.

For those of you that thought staples may be hard to remove or may leave holes here is my demo. I hope it works!
Make it a terrific week!


  1. Your video worked and the staple removing looked easy peasy with those fabrics. Nice photos of quilts and your lecture!

  2. Those who attend your lectures leave with a wealth of knowledge I am sure. You are so knowledgeable about antique quilts and have helped me learn more.

  3. I too have used staples in my wool applique and have done so for years. If there is a hole left by the staple, a little rub gets it right out. As for removing them, I give the staple a little bend and it twists right out. I know someone that used a staple remover to get hers out. Easy peasy! It's a great way to hold down the pieces.

  4. How nice that so many groups are taking advantage of you visiting in Ohio. I am sure your talk that you are giving is being well received as you and your quilts are very interesting. I like the red flower quilt that has the spokes. Unusual block.

  5. You've created a wonderful career for yourself, sharing your talent and love of quilts!

    Do you think the fan quilt's ground, where it is machine quilted in green, was once a pale "Nile Green" and was unstable,faded and washed out? These Thirties quilts are almost 100 years old now, just imagine.

    I tried staples, removed like you show, but they snagged and make holes and were very frustrating as they damaged my project [Pokeberry]. But maybe it was me, or my wool, or impatience. I also had trouble getting the stapler to bite far into the background, they usually have only about a 4 or 5" bite.

  6. I used staples in my little wool circles and they came out so easily. I will definitely use that idea again.

  7. love that streak of lightening with stars that you are standing behind! Maybe I will use that for my Stars In A Time Warp!

  8. loved seeing Jills quilts. wow you are on a super trip! have fun

  9. I just read your last 5 posts at one time. I've been busy and haven't spent much time blogging. How nice that you were able to visit Ohio & PA to share your quilts!!

  10. The nice thing about being invited to show your quilts is that you see beautiful quilts as well. And you meet a lot of new nice people. So fun to do this. You have a finished DJ. Lucky you. I have two more rows of points to go then it is quilting time. :)

  11. I love seeing vintage quilts and I think it's great that folks get a chance to share them. It looks like you've busy and having fun. Safe travels to you!

  12. Wonderful opportunity for the guilds to hear your presentation--and for you to see all the vintage quilts they brought in.
    Is that "A Decade With Jane" on the altar? :)

  13. Sounds like it was a lovely time with quilters getting to learn from you, and show and tell is always great when it comes to vintage quilts. Nothing like seeing them in person. I wonder if the long-ago quilter who chose green thread got any flack from friends for her bold choice? ;)

  14. Have Quilts-will travel! Nice that you could visit many groups while back East. I admire your knowledge of Vintage & Antique Quilts. Green stitching, interesting thought that the fabric could have been green.

  15. So much fun to see and talk about antique quilts! Yay for all the new inspiration.:)


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