Thursday, February 25, 2021

Yellow and Orange

 If you are in my Facebook group I shared a special exhibit coming to the New England Quilt Museum called Yellow and Orange! 

Two colors when used in quilts really get in your face! LOL Here is my orange stars in a time warp quilt. I never have regretted this color to use as a setting. 

This antique with chrome yellow is quite spectacular and makes a big statement!

Get a sneak peak of some of the "Quilts from the Pilgrim/Roy Collection" HERE

How do you feel about these colors in quilts?


  1. I love the results, yet those are colors that I don't think to use. Or at least not in great quantity like the quilts you've shown.

  2. I love the results, yet those are colors that I don't think to use. Or at least not in great quantity like the quilts you've shown.

  3. very them but somehow always avoided yellow...

  4. I don't tend to use yellow--but I made my grandson an orange spider web one for his going away to college quit pairing with B/W prints and adding some peach tones...Yellow is difficult for me--it seems to just take over...hugs, Julierose

  5. I just LOVE the orange stars quilt! It's so beautiful and cheerful. I want one just like it.

  6. Love the colors! I would love to make a quilt with the orange background! Someday!

  7. Thanks for the link, Lori. I love yellow in quilts!!

  8. Lori me encantan esto, tu colcha es impresiónate

  9. Two of my favorite colors, along with reds! Basically anything that reads warm.

  10. Of course I love both colors, the brighter the better! I am more drawn to cheddar/ chrome orange and won a number of cheddar quilts; the chrome yellow is rarer, but I love it.

  11. Your quilts are beautiful !!
    I used cheddar too for my Stars in a time warp quilt ! Not finished yet ... I will plan this year !

  12. Your first quilt is absolutely beautiful, stunning.

  13. 💛🧡💛🧡💛 love them!!

  14. I love yellow and orange in quilts. Sadly, I am currently just using my stash and I have used up most of those colors but someday soon, I will start stash building again and yellow and orange will definitely be on my shopping list.

  15. Your quilt is beautiful. Those colors are brillant. I need to be bold enough to jump in.

  16. I love these colors--and enjoyed the link on the Facebook group. I do use cheddar more than yellow, but I did just buy a yard of chrome yellow at my favorite quilt shop yesterday. I think they add sparkle and dimension to a quilt.
    Your examples are stunning!

  17. I love your star quilt so much. I love incorporating orange and yellow but have yet to use it as background or setting. One of these days!

  18. I love your quilt better than those in the exhibit. Very nice. I can't seem to find that color when I'm looking. Beautiful.

  19. I am so excited to be able to see these quilts in person. Twenty of my quilts will be on display at the same time so I am hoping to be able to get down in the next few weeks.

  20. Love them
    I like the cat in the basket : )

  21. I love those quilts! Having lived in a 1903 house with original windows, in Oregon, the rooms were quite dark. I had an antique quilt with blues, turkey reds and cheddars. So cheerful! Your quilt is beautiful.

  22. I LOVE using them in a quilt! Both of yours here are spectacular. It's kind of a tough color to use, but always so worthwhile. I have noticed that they can be a little harder to give away though! lol

  23. Never enough yellow or cheddar :-)

  24. I'm making a whig rose in chrome right now! how cool to see this one and it also has HST on the border - wow.


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