Friday, April 22, 2022

Quilt Guild Visit

Happy Friday!

Last Sunday after church and dinner I drove to McMinnville, Oregon and stayed with Gladys, who I have met several times. It was very sweet of her to offer! And the meeting started early on Monday so I didn't have to take a chance driving when the roads could still be icy or snowy from an overnight cold front. Thank you again Gladys!

Visiting quilters is always a good reason for show and tell! Here's a few of her gorgeous quilts!

Such a great setting!

Here was a swap quilt she rec'd in the past, when I saw the label, I laughed- it was from Laurie who I just went to New England with. Darling!!

Here is another one from Sandy. So sweet!

That border quilting!! I love it!

I saw another one from another friend- Pat who used to own a quilt shop in Wisconsin. I thought I snapped a photo but I guess not. I love seeing the little quilts on display. 

This display in her sewing room is so cute!

Always fun to sleep and snoop... (she gave me permission!)

I love this!

Because I am the speaker I only have a handful of photos.
Show and tell is always a highlight of the guild meeting. 

We were doing a string quilt class right after the meeting and I thought this would be an awesome string quilt! I may make a block as a sample for my class. 

There was an entire group showing blocks from a BOM. I wasn't quite fast enough to get the group photo.


This is a little cheesy, but oh well!  

I see Glady's posted on her blog about my visit. See it HERE

Have an amazing weekend!


  1. Lori maravillosos edredones¡¡gracias por compartir!!
    Buen fin de semana

  2. So much fun to poke around in someone else's quilt room! Good for inspiration.:) Love that the guilds are starting to have guest speakers again.

  3. plenty of eye candy in this it!

  4. You know her as Gladys, and I have always known her as Ruth, but whatever you call her, she is a sweet woman.
    Her quilts are beautiful, and that is always fun to stay at another quilter's home and see their work.
    Her little patriotic tumbler quilt was made using some tumblers I sent her. Fun to see it hanging there.
    Someday I hope you will do a trunk show online that we could pay to participate in the viewing.


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