Wednesday, May 25, 2022

2022 Humble Quilt Swap Linky Party

It is time to share the quilts we received in the Humble Quilt Swap!

I think I say every year that the quilts I'm seeing in the swap are incredible! Well they are!
Here is my amazing quilt from Merry!

Darling personalized label.

We will show the quilt we RECEIVED. If you do not have a blog but the person who made your quilt does, they can post a link to their blog post showing your quilt. (Feel free to make 2 separate blog posts showing both quilts)
You can also share from Instagram now.
You can also share from your desktop!

When adding your link please link up the specific blog post, not just your blog. If you need help let me know. I also know many of you are still waiting for your quilt. The linky will be open for about a month so we can get them all here. I really love seeing them all in one place!

If you try and post and really cannot figure it out send me a photo (of just the quilt) at and I'll get it posted. 


  1. Love mine! Can't wait to see them all!

  2. Beautiful quilts being swapped. Also love that quilt you restored, the orphan blocks gift and last but not least by any means, a big belated happy Birthday to you!

  3. I love to see the quilts and am sorry to have missed it this year. I could not wedge one more thing on the calendar for May.

  4. Just love this little quilt you cute...hugs, Julierose

  5. Grams Jean. OR, USAMay 27, 2022 at 4:48 PM

    What a beautiful bunch of quilts!

  6. It is very fun to see this collection of little quilts together, and I look forward to seeing it grow.

  7. They are soooo beautiful !! Congratulations to all the quilters !


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