Friday, July 29, 2022


I have been using this Bernina record for about 1 year and i LOVE it! It sews like a dream!

It isn't set down in my table like my other one, but it sews so great I don't even care. 
My other machine (in the background) is a Bernina as well, and I have been using that one for machine applique. 

We've had some hot weather and we let this doe chill in the shade without being harassed by Elsa! Fawn's are out so we are extra careful to make sure Elsa doesn't chase them either. 

My plans changed for the weekend, but still plan on getting outside to enjoy the early morning. 

Take care, my friends!



  1. Nice machines!
    Your comment about Elsa and the deer reminds me of the time I looked out the window to see our beagle quickly slinking up the driveway, scared, tail between her legs, head down, looking behind her. I look down the driveway and see a peeved deer, ears back, stomping up the driveway after her. Fortunately for the dog, my looking out the window derailed moma's intent on doing damage and she ran off. Apparently the dog got too close to a fawn for mama's comfort. Yet another instance of my laughing at our dog's expense, like her attempts to get the squirrels and rabbits.

  2. I have 2 Berninas, they are my favorites I want/need another one for better Embroidery hoops. The oval ones just don't work as well. Good to have choices. Too hot to go outside here yesterday, crank up the AC.

  3. I have the same Bernina that I bought brand new in the 1970s. I still use it at quilting retreats and group sewing. It never lets me down and it has the best stitch. The only better stitch is a Featherweight.

  4. I need a new or different machine. I think I ll start looking for a second hand Bernina on FB Marketplace.
    Lookit the ears on that deer, woow. So sweet. Do you put out water for them.

  5. I love my Bernina 1031. I've had it since 1993 and prefer it over my newer Bernina that I use for machine applique too. The best of both worlds.

  6. Glad to hear you are liking the Bernina, always nice the have a spare that is for sure. Love the picture of the doe. Have a great weekend.

  7. We've been enjoying watching the deer lately around here too although I haven't seen any fawns. Probably close by. I love my Berninas too!


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