Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Wednesday's Wanderings

There were so many fun and funny photos I never got to share with you from my recent travels. Here are a few, not so funny pictures I took. 

This cross stitch was in the DAR museum.

I think this was some flooring at the Virginia Quilt Museum

I was the navigator avoiding toll rolls taking the scenic routes. 

This is no way to treat quilts! 

Wait! Stop! Turn around! I must see this cute old building!

Even though we will be traveling home today I have Fridays post ready to go. 


  1. I wonder what the story is behind that dress being saved. Normally clothing in that condition would have hit the rag bag. That oak & acorn quilt laying on top looks very interesting! Yes, not nice they are all in a messy jumble.

  2. That little red dress is precious! Welcome home!

  3. Beautiful red coat. We want more info on those garments!


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