Friday, January 13, 2023

Fickle Friday

Good Morning! I've been doing a little sewing but it is for a swap so I cannot share it yet.

My design wall speaks volumes. I'm all over the place!

These are adorable antique blocks I can't wait to work with. 

I've been busy cutting kits for my patterns. The Oregon Quilt Festival is only 2 weeks away!
I love this quilt- found in Virginia! I call it Shenandoah Stars. (And it is 2 sided!)

I've been rollin', rollin', rollin....these fun 6 packs!

I'd love to find more of this old print! I'm using a little piece to embroider a saying to applique on the quilt. 

My son and I went for a  long brisk walk yesterday. Finally had a little break in the weather. I'm still not going to the trails yet since it is so muddy. It was refreshing to get out! I've got to keep moving so when June arrives I'll be ready for our trekking trip in Peru!

I'm going to be retreating next week. I'll be bringing my computer so I can post. 
It's tax time for me- I need to complete W2's and 1099's before the end of the year. (so much easier with only the machine shop)

Love ya!


  1. You most definitely have a lot of plates in the air. I even spy an Uptown block! Haha! Enjoy your time at retreat!

  2. Those antique blocks are precious! I can't wait to see what you do with them. Jan in MA

  3. I love that you are all over the place and you get a lot finished through the year. You are amazing.

  4. Fun doings in the works.
    I wish you well at the Oregon Quilt Festival.
    Didn't realize you were trekking in Peru. Very exciting!


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