Friday, August 4, 2023

Antique Quilt Blocks & More

My heart is so full of gratitude! Thank you sweet friend for these amazing blocks!

I've got some good close ups of these amazing fabrics. I'd say they are right around 1880-1910. 

The claret "snowflakes' are one of my favorite prints!

I think they are ocean waves blocks to be set like this. (I'm not entirely positive and I haven't investigated that yet)

Do I see champagne glasses and bubbles????

All hand sewn. 

On another note I had an outing with girlfriends.

I snapped this photo at 1AM when the moon was close to full. 
Then we hiked from that lake to a glacier lake!

And came across this big fella on the trail. 

We had a lovely view of Three Fingered Jack, a shield volcano. You can read about it HERE if you are interested.

I had a lovely Zoom meeting this week with a guild- it has been a fine summer week for sure! I hope yours is going great too.



  1. Wow! Those blocks are amazing! I believe they are the middle part of the Ocean Wave block too. Champagne glasses or tennis rackets? Not sure but a lovely print either way. Gorgeous pictures on the trail. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy! ;^)

  2. Gorgeous blocks! The fabrics are wonderful. Always enjoy your hiking photos.

  3. or not champagne but test tube glassware? So long ago I've forgotten the name, not beakers is it? And the blocks look really like Ocean Wave blocks. Just add centers, of various shirting's.

  4. Lovin the indigos. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Those blocks/fabrics are beautiful! Will be interested to see what you do with them.
    Please excuse my ignorance, but what animal is that??

    1. More info here:

    2. Wow, I have never seen a Rocky Mountain Goat! What a beautiful and interesting creature!

  6. Very fun for study quilt blocks. Sorry, I think tennis rackets not champagne.

    What is the large white creature? Wild or an escapee? Tame?

  7. 1:00 AM? Yikes. Pictures are awesome. I have an antique piece of diamonds that was left in a house that my son/DIL purchased. I've been looking at it lately and trying to figure out what to do with it. I will post it on my blog today (or soon) and maybe you can give me some pointers..

  8. Hi, Lori, a friend and I are looking at reproducing some quilts (for a musical play) from the 1840-1870 era. What is the absolute earliest a quilt design like this red/white/blue one would have been authentically made, if you can estimate that? Thank you. I'm looking more for probables than certainties,

    The moon picture is stunning.


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