Friday, August 11, 2023

New England Quilt Musem

I was fortunate to be able to visit the New England Quilt Museum in 2022 and 2023. Lowell, MA is a town with so much history. The west coast is young and I do appreciate the differences in areas of the USA. The above photo is now apartments but used to be a fabric mill.

The New England Quilt Museum is in a wonderful historic building. 

Lowell, MA

Beginning September 12 and running through December 30 the special exhibit will be
Marston Retrospective Exhibit

I am honored to have 2 quilts in this exhibit, both started in a class with Gwen Marston in Sisters, Oregon. 

The quilts were required to have hanging sleeves, so I had to do a little mandatory boring sewing. haha

When attaching the sleeve on a completed quilt it is important to not go through all layers. 

The quilts are packed up and ready to go across the country! Maybe I'll get see this exhibit in person. 

It has been a great week,. I got out to hike with my son very early before it warmed up- it was lovely. 

I did get some strange bug bites on my ankles the day before our hike We normally do not have mosquitos so I'm not sure what it is from. My ankles are so swollen and itchy! It is really awful. I've resorted to taking some benadryl. It is super annoying!

I hope you all are doing wonderful!

Coming up soon: A giveaway and my yearly quiltalong.


  1. I'll be looking forward to seeing photos from this exhibit. Congrats on having two of your quilts included.

  2. Hopefully, maybe I can go to this exhibit and if so, then I will take some photos to share. (fingers crossed)

  3. Congrats on the exhibits! In Michigan we call those "chigger bites" around the ankles. I think they are larvae of some bug. And yes, they itch like crazy!!

    1. I have never heard of chiggers but apparently we do have them around here! Thankfully benadryl seems to be helping.

  4. The first photo, with the big tall chimney, I imagine is visited each spring and fall by chimney swifts, birds who roost inside on their yearly migration... unless there is a fire in the furnace below!

  5. I loved my visit to the museum in 2021. Wish I could make it there to see this exhibit--and congrats on having quilts in the show.
    We will be in Boston for a day early in September, but even if we could get over to Lowell we would be too early for this show. Bummer.
    I hope you can make it there to see your quilts hanging in the show!
    Oh, looking forward to the annual SAL.

  6. What an honor to have not only one but two quilts in the exhibit. I just love that basket quilt so much! When you showed the sleeve on the small quilt, I could see your beautiful hand-quilted stitches. So lovely, Lori.
    PS Sorry about the bug bites. Right now I'm just getting over some poison ivy. Also not fun so I feel your "itch".

  7. Congratulations for your 2 quilts in the NEQM !
    On the picture of the historic building, it's written "Bon Marché" in French ! Do you know that the first store in Paris was the "Bon Marché" and it still does exist !
    It's a store like "Macy's" and was built in the 19e century.
    Happy WE ! xo

  8. I'm going to just miss this exhibit by a week! I have been to the small museum several time when I pass through Mass. on my way north. Will the exhibit have any of Gwen's originals? In 2012 I was lucky enough to do her " Beaver Island retreat" even though it was off her little home island. She was a giant in the quilting world and will be remembered with fondness by so many!

  9. Chiggers? Gnats? Poison oak? Awful. And Benadryl makes one so sleepy.

    What an honor to have two quilts in the exhibit, both are beautiful. I love the colors of Baskets.

    You mention in passing that the mills are now apartments. What a cool recycle/ re-use of these beautiful old mills! And how fun to live there w the ghosts of the mill girls. [not so happy w the crematorium-ish chimney tho, eeew.].


  10. How fun to have quilts in another exhibit! It sounds like such a great place to visit.


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